El-Zakzaky seeking escape route from justice- Group warns US, UK over IMN leader's refusal to take medication in India | News Proof



El-Zakzaky seeking escape route from justice- Group warns US, UK over IMN leader's refusal to take medication in India

By Dansu Peter

The Advocates of Social Justice For All (ASJA) has reacted to the refusal of the leader of the outlawed Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Ibrahim El-Zakzaky, to take his medication in Indian hospital where he was flown to for treatment.

Recall that a Kaduna State court had granted the IMN permission to travel abroad for medication.

However, latest report had it that El-Zakzaky has refused taking medication from doctors in the Indian hospital, insisting that he wants to be treated by those booked to treat him before he and his wife left from Nigeria.

Reacting, however, ASJA said the claim by El-Zakzaky was a ploy to escape route from justice.

The group further called on El-Zakzaky to accept treatment, complete the treatment and return home to face justice

His speech reads below.

Addressing newsmen on Wednesday, Venatius Asogo, President of ASJA advised the government to immediately exploit diplomatic channels, particularly with India and the other countries that he could transit through to arrive in Iran.

In keeping with a court ruling allowing the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN), Mr. Ibrahim el-Zakzaky, seek medical treatment in India, the Federal Government facilitated his travel to the country to commence his treatment.
Recall that the government of Kaduna state expressed reservations about this trip. The state, among other things, predicted that el-Zakzaky will like flee India to Iran. If the IMN leader ever makes it to this Islamic Republic then we can all be certain that it will result in unmitigated disaster. He will be able to run the terrorist organization from Iran, which has the reputation of being a state sponsor of terrorism.

Nigerians must equally not lose sight of the fact that 186 Shia doctors from Pakistan, India, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq  had written a vexatious letter to the Federal Government asking for el-Zakzaky to be flown abroad for multidisciplinary treatment without specifying a destination country. The implication of this letter, even at a time the Indian trip has been finalized, is that they plan to route the IMN leader through any of six countries before ultimately smuggling him into Iran.

With these backgrounds, we are worried about the stories emanating from India since el-Zakzaky and hi wife arrived in that country. Update from the Indian hospital indicated that he has been refusing treatment from doctors while insisting on particular doctors that are apparently part of the 186 Shia doctors that wrote the referenced letter.

He even went as far as creating drama and lying that Nigeria switched his doctors in order to eliminate him. If he was not eliminated for the period he was in custody here in Nigeria he definitely is not worth wasting international efforts upon now that he is in the jurisdiction of another country. We also note, on the strength of his recalcitrance, that the gamut of symptoms that a visiting gang of Iranian doctors diagnosed him with were nothing but a ruse to make him escape Nigeria.

We further observed that the IMN leader was lamenting that he was under heavy security guard at the Indian hospital. This observation on his part is comical because it shows that his expectation of his medical trip was the one of escape from his ongoing trial in Nigeria. We wonder if he seriously thought he would be treated to a five star hotel experience without guards so that he can sneak into Iran.

It bears mentioning that not only are the security operatives needed to prevent him from escaping, they are as well a necessity to ensure his fanatical members do not secretly murder him to sour relationship between Nigeria and India while making our dear country appear bad.

A dimension we will like to call attention to is the fact that the IMN leader who claimed to be mortally ill and  under heavy security did not just refuse treatment but also had time to make an audio recording to resume inciting his members even from far away India. If he can commit such inflammatory act while receiving treatment and under guard India we can then imagine what he will do when he finds his way into Iran.

These behaviours on the part of el-Zakzaky, going by these reports emanating from some quarters that he no longer fancies the Indian hospitals, which he desperately sought and for which his followers made all manner of trouble including killing innocent Nigerians, is the height of callousness and wickedness by the IMN leader.

For him to have said he had his own arrangement with certain India doctors, which tallies with the widespread claims that Indian has some of the best doctors in the world, el-Zakzaky should remain there. The only place he is free to leave India for is Nigeria, where his trial will resume once he sets foot in this jurisdiction. His best bet is to allow professional doctors without sectarian sentiments treat him while forsaking the coalition of charlatans that had petitioned President Buhari. El-Zakzaky should accept treatment, complete the treatment and return home to face justice.

We remind IMN and el-Zakzaky that they cannot continue to fool Nigerians with his drama, which is nothing but a decoy to escape justice over the numerous acts of terror that he is being tried for in Nigeria. He must by now know that India, as a committed ally of Nigeria, will not allow him become a fugitive from justice. Authorities of that country will see to it that he gets well in time to return to Nigeria and hear the verdict in the case of treason and other charges against him.

The federal government must take immediate measures to guard against the fast one that suspect is trying to pull on the country. This will include approaching to amend the leave it granted him to travel. To the best of our knowledge, the approval to travel did not include permission to produce, distribute and promote terrorist propaganda. This singular step is necessary to prevent el-Zakzaky from using his treatment in India as a cover to target inciting messages against Nigeria.

We advise that the government immediately exploit diplomatic channels, particularly with India and the other countries that he could transit through to arrive in Iran. The message must be put out there for countries to know not to provide refuge or passage that el-Zakzaky is seeking in order arrive in Iran and from that country send messages to radicalize their youths and instill extreme religious views in the population.

Advocates for Social Justice for All (ASJA) warns countries that are dispose to be tolerant of evil in pursuit of political correctness that making intervention for el-Zakzaky is at the same level with embracing fire to their bosoms. Their countries will eventually be contaminated by the sectarian extremism that the suspect has promoted in his bid to destabilize Nigeria. Specifically, the United States, the United Kingdom and European Union are warned that El-Zakzaky is the leader of a designated terror group in Nigeria. The youths of these nations will pay the price of being radicalized should they make the mistake of packaging the IMN leader as a victim.

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