Kanu And His Ego Trip To Golgotha By Ebuka E. Ebuka | News Proof



Kanu And His Ego Trip To Golgotha By Ebuka E. Ebuka

By Ebuka E. Ebuka

There is an ancient adage adopted by many African tribes, including the Yoruba of Nigeria. It  says; "What an elder sees sitting down, a child cannot see even if he climbs a tree." It explains the inexorable efficacy of the wisdom of an elder on any issue.

By my paternal roots  as a Southeasterner, and like  many other  Nigerians, I  doubted when President Muhammadu Buhari frowned at the intentions of the assemblege of these miscreants in the Southeast under the auspices of Indigenous Peoples  of Biafra, led by the  deliquent, Nnamdi Kanu, purporting to be spearheading secession agitations.

Blindly, I initially thought IPOB was decently fronting for  a progressive Igbo affair. So, I passionately hated President Buhari and covertly threw my support to IPOB in every possible way, including monetary  donations. But sadly,  I got it all wrong. I am now convinced, I was nicely duped by IPOB's camouflage garbs.

And like most  kinsmen who toed my line of thought, now, tongues are wagging over the physical attack on former Deputy Senate President, Sen. Ike Ekweremadu by Nuremberg's branch of IPOB, in  Germany. Ekweremadu was in Germany to attend the Ndi'gbo Germany Community organized  2nd Annual Igbo Cultural Festival as a Speaker and Special Guest of Honour.

Apart from the international disrepute the action has foisted on the entire Igbo nation; who else is thinking of other consequences like me. If truely, we want a Biafran republic, is it sensible to attempt to kill or humiliate leaders who can speak for our collective cause  as done by IPOB in Nurumberg? This is highly condemnable and setting the stage for the eruption of a big problem in the nearest future.

But there is no remorse from IPOB's  so- called leader, Kanu. He has rather bolstered his sect members with insane statements.

Many more are perturbed by Kanu's fresh and renewed threats to attack Southeast leaders, including State Governors and other prominent Nigerians anywhere they are spotted in Europe, America, Asia and the likes. Kanu has even pledged N1 million  reward to anybody who would reveal details of the itinerary  and exact location of any Southeast Governor abroad.

However, it is glaring to me now that  time has  vindicated President Buhari. It started with the  less riotuous or non-violent  campaigns by IPOB. We embraced it.

But sooner,  IPOB armed criminals gradually morphed into armed and violent criminalities in the region. They  upscaled kidnappings, armed robberies   and  held  the entire Southeast region to ransom.

The abberational IPOB sect embarked on frequent molestations, intimidations and harrassments of innocent citizens in the Southeast. That was when it dawned on me that I backed a wrong group.

IPOB's dubiousness and criminal  conduct accentuated when they  constituted an illegal government within  the sovereign state of Nigeria.

Emboldened by this impunity, Kanu and his gang intermittently declared and coercively  imposed public holidays on the Southeast region. They would forcefully shut down commercial activities and visit violators with  physical violence and brutality. It was the most uncivilized manner of handling targets of a cause.

IPOB armed gangs  intensified criminal raids of communities; looting and vandalization of properties of their kinsmen, extra-judicial killings  and extortions among others. I was completely disarmed by this naked  manifestation of cruelty.

Additionally, IPOB gangsters on the directive of Kanu massively  arrested those averse to their ideology, tortured them to pulp and thereafter,  either executed them or cast them into the river after chaining  them hands and feet.

Nnamdi Kanu was arrested by security agents and charged to court for treasonable charges. But some Ndi'gbo leaders rose in stout opposition, after accusing Buhari of attempts to undermine  the struggle for a Biafran state. They refused pleas  to take a critical insight into the operations of IPOB.

The embittered leaders  rallied round Kanu and secured his bail. In less than two weeks, the IPOB leader violated almost all the bail conditions stipulated by the courts. 

Kanu thereafter, plotted the declaration of a "Biafran republic," prompting the FGN to unleash on the Southeast,  Operation Python Dance III  by the Military to forestall any uncontrollable breakdown of law and order.

Still actively backed by Igbo leaders,  the IPOB leader disappeared to an unknown destination, after weaving several falsified tales against solders and the FGN. Kanu  heightened tension in the Southeast by secretly sneaking out of Nigeria  to the warm comfort of his wife and children domiciled in the United Kingdom. That was what I later discovered and he  abandoned those arrested to their fate.

The aftermath of that unpleasant and unsuccessful outing by IPOB established their indubitable credentials as an evil sect groomed to stain the reputation of Ndi'gbo and  destroy Nigeria . The strings of events led to the proscription and eventual declaration of IPOB as a terrorists sect. It was a belated realisation;  but the decision germane.

And on the adjourned date of hearing of Kanu's treason trial,  Sen. Enyinnaya Abaribe could not produce Kanu in court. Since then, Kanu has avoided Nigeria. A leader does not fight a cause for his people in this style.

And enraged President Buhari was extremely  patient with IPOB, but the sect failed to understand with him. Having been gagged in Nigeria, IPOB  sect terrorists have relocated to foreign countries  where they are breeding large apostates. Kanu has boasted about their large numbers in foreign countries.

And to reveal IPOB's unrepentant mindset, Kanu stated in a tweet  after the attack on Sen. Ekweremadu boastfully  that;

“the courageous act by IPOB at Nürnberg Germany is a polite warning to those engaged in selling our collective interest to Fulani caliphate. Nwodo, Igbo governors are warned.”

It's now obvious to me  that the  IPOB leader is on an ego trip to Golgotha. The demons in his brain are finally on rampage.

By this declaration which he has repeated in other media interviews, Kanu  has boldly come out  to tell the world that he is neither a Nigerian and also not a  British citizen because both countries  abhor and have outlawed terrorism  or allied acts which he symbolises now.

Kanu's latest public  statement   to attack Nigerian officials that visit Europe and other parts of the world  has  unmistakably confirmed him  again as a
terrorist. Only people with terror inclinations  make such a bold and audacious statements  to criminally assault others.

Citizens of other countries who publicly attack their leaders as cited Kanu in interviews do not brag about. The extreme reaction comes spontaneously. And that Kanu brags about it tells me he is arming his sect members for the  job. This is a terrorist disposition.

Obviously, it is unambiguous now that sadistic  Nnamdi Kanu's  second identity  is terrorism and he is fast  grooming terrorists around the world under the canopy of IPOB. In Nigeria, Kanu is known for terrorism and foreign countries where he hibernates with members of his sect are forewarned to be vigilant before IPOB members start detonating bombs in public places like ISIS.

Time has come for Ndi'gbo to seek justice for their slain kith and kin or those coldly murdered by Kanu and his IPOB sect. His criminal acts should be thoroughly investigated and chronicled for onward transmission to  the ICC for criminal  prosecution since Kanu has evaded trials in Nigeria, his  home country.

Our people say, the leopard does not change it's spots. The criminal  ego which sent Kanu  running away from Nigeria  after a "Python Dance"  in the Southeast has caught up with him in the western world because old habits die hard.

I doubt if any  any reasonable leader who is concerned with terrorism whether in the United Kingdom, America, Germany or any other place in the world would continue to consent to the  domiciliary  of  Mr. Kanu and his incensed armed criminals  to torment the peace of others?

I leave the  judgement and decision to initiate appropriate  actions to the  countries which are accommodating and tolerating  Kanu under any law  to decide. If they prefer to allow Kanu and his IPOB sect the leverage to be resident  and  torment the peace of their  country with terrorism, fine! But what happened in Nuremberg  was the secondary stage  IPOB  in Nigeria and  it went berserk within a short time.

Ebuka is a forensic psychologist and wrote this piece from University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

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