COVID-19: LASG Taskforce Shuts Down Party, Arrests Guests at Abule-Egba | News Proof



COVID-19: LASG Taskforce Shuts Down Party, Arrests Guests at Abule-Egba

By Dansu Peter 
The Lagos State COVID-19 Taskforce, on Wednesday, arrested more than 50 fun-seeking youths who had attended a party at 84, Parks and Gardens, Idi-Oparun Bus Stop, opposite Abattoir at Abule Egba, Lagos in violation of the lockdown, public gathering and social distancing directives of the Federal and State governments.
Speaking on the incident, the General Manager, Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA), Mrs. Dolapo Fasawe, maintained that it is no longer business as usual in the State and anyone who disobeys government directive will be made to face the repercussions.
In her words: "Our joint taskforce team responded to a tip-off this afternoon and surprisingly met many youths having fun at a birthday party in total disregard of the government order. It shouldn't be difficult for us to obey simple instructions and adhere strictly to safety precautions, so as to timely flatten the curve of the ravaging pandemic". 
While noting that the party venue has been sealed and party attendees as well as organisers arrested by the police for further investigation and profiling, Fasawe observed that the pandemic has united residents and encouraged citizen participation in terms of information sharing on issues of mutual interest.
The General Manager disclosed that a nightclub at VGC, using a Pharmacy Store as a cover up, was sealed on Monday as a result of information sharing from concerned citizens, adding that the war on the Coronavirus pandemic can only be won through the collective efforts of all, as everyone has a part to play as stakeholders. 
Dr. Fasawe, however, appealed to parents and guardians to keep watchful eyes on their wards and charged them on staying away from unlawful gatherings, reiterating that all hands must be on deck to ensure that there is no hidden place for flagrant violators.
On his part, the Director-General, Lagos State Safety Commission, Mr. Lanre Mojola expressed shock that despite the enlightenment and advocacy of the government on social distancing and public gathering, some people can still devise means to gather and merry when lives are being lost across the globe. 
He decried the insensitivity and indifference of youths to their health as well as the direct and indirect consequences of their despicable behaviour. 
While warning facility owners not to allow their places to be used for unlawful social gathering, Mojola maintained that the State will not hesitate to sanction owners who defy government orders and directives for pecuniary gains.
The Director-General further asserted that all stakeholders were effectively carried along and sensitised on the zero-tolerance of the State government to large gatherings at this crucial period.

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