Deji Adeyanju’s declaration of leadership vacuum is a call for a coup, insurrection – CAFA | News Proof



Deji Adeyanju’s declaration of leadership vacuum is a call for a coup, insurrection – CAFA

By Dansu Peter 

The Citizens Against Fake Activists (CAFA) have called on the Federal Government and law enforcement agents to take prompt action over Deji Adeyanju's pronouncement of a vacuum in the presidency. 

According to the group, this is a declaration of coup and insurrection to overthrow a democratically elected government. 

Adeyanju, who ironically parades himself as convener of pro-democracy group, Concerned Nigerians, in a foul-mouthed attack ordered President Muhammadu Buhari to step aside. 

In a statement on Thursday, CAFA through its Director of Communications, Ibrahim Kabiru Dallah, urged authorities to take this threat with all seriousness. 

While acknowledging Adeyanju's right to freedom of expression, it said his latest outburst is targeted at inciting  the populace against the government of the day. 

CAFA, however, rubbished all the claims raised by the Kogi-born activist in the war against coronavirus, branding him as “ignorant”.

It further urged security agents to step up protection around Mr. President and members of the Federal Executive Council in view of this call for a coup.

Read full statement below:

 Citizens Against Fake Activism (CAFA) has called on the Federal Government and law enforcement agencies to urgently take action against the convener of Concerned Nigerians, Deji Adeyanju for declaring a vacuum in the presidency and as well asking for a more competent person to take over. 

Without prejudice to Deji Adeyanju’s right to exercise his freedom of expression, this unguarded statement is a call for a coup to overthrow the government while alternately calling for an insurrection by people in his camp.

It is not in his place to demand Mr. President’s resignation and to request that “a more competent hand” should take over after such nightmarish resignation indicates that his call has no regards for the succession list specified by the constitution, which in our view is treasonous.

Adeyanju hid behind the lie that President Muhammadu Buhari is not doing enough in the COVID-19 control efforts to make this criminal demand believing that there are no intelligent people to read between the lines. Not only is his agenda showing glaringly, his recent utterances and pronouncements have been focused on inciting the populace against the government of the day, consistent with the errand he has been running for the opposition. This latest criminal demand is an escalation and he would get worse unless the law is brought in to arrest the situation.

Unfortunately for Adeyanju, even the instances and excuses he gave for maligning the Presidency are riddled with fallacies and half-truths that are meant to mislead. He is asking President Buhari to dominate the daily efforts to slow down the spread of the virus when Mr President has made it absolutely clear that medical and other experts will be allowed to drive the efforts in other to achieve maximum success. Had this paid activist taken time to carry out an impartial review he would have noted that countries where politicians allowed experts to drive the process are faring better at controlling the virus.

It is laughable that Adeyanju wants President Buhari to emulate US President Donald Trump when it is well documented that Trump’s role in America’s effort to control the virus has been misleading, divisive and catastrophic for some of those who were misled by him to treat COVId-19 hydroxychloroquine as they suffered life changing side effects including deaths. The discarded Malaria medication has now been dismissed as experts as not suitable for managing the virus and Adeyanju want President Buhari to play such expensive roulette with the lives of Nigerians.

It is appalling that Adeyanju is hopeful of precipitating the death of the Federal Executive Council (FEC) members by challenging them to hold a physical meeting when they risk exposure by so doing; this is in addition to the fact that they would have fallen into the trap of not following the guidelines they laid down for social distancing and staying at home if they did so. His suggestion of virtual meetings using web-based video conferencing is equally a trap since some of his associates have the technical wherewithal to hack into the meetings and glean information they will use to sabotage the country; the news space is replete with reports of video calling platforms that are used for such meetings being hacked. Interestingly, the government is running fine irrespective of the denial of the likes of Adeyanju.

Adeyanju has shattered any doubt left that his brand of activism is powered by ignorance when he was making issues out of Kano being short of testing kits when Chinese billionaire, Jack Ma, made certain donations to Nigeria. Real activists in other climes are aware that batches of testing kits must themselves be verified before deploying them for use or else the country will be plagued with false results, which are more dangerous than not running any test. He is perhaps blissfully unaware that countries have discovered entire shipments of test kits that were found defective.

If Adeyanju’s ignorance has been confirmed his intention to commit mischief has been documented as well with his insinuation that governors of the 36 states have taken over the running of the country. This is a futile attempt of setting the Presidency and state governors on collision course or to trigger inordinate ambition in any governor with immature tendencies. Perhaps if the decision to lock down on a national scale were translated into Yoruba or Pidgin language Adeyanju would have understood that what they agreed was to collectively lock down each of the 36 state and thereby create a mesh that restricts movement and the spread of the virus across state boundaries. Had the President done this from the onset, the same paid activist or his cronies would have shouted dictatorship.

Coming at a time when real activists are reaching out and giving to communities, Adeyanju’s coup attempt leaves a sour taste in the mouth especially when he has stash of funds provided to him by Iran and France to destabilize Nigeria. He should strongly consider joining the genuine COVID-19 relief efforts by channeling these ill-gotten funds to benefit of the poor as a sort of atonement. He can report back to the rest of his associate paid activists and their paymasters that his cover has been blown so they should send new hires to pass their messages to the public.

CAFA is, therefore, calling on security agencies to step up protection around Mr. President and members of the Federal Executive Council in view of this call for a coup by Adeyanju. The country can never be too cautious now that one of the activists that are mysteriously used to undermine the country has indicated that the exit of Mr. President from office with his replacement by someone unknown to the constitution is their end game.

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