Covid-19/ Boko Haram: Inter-faith congregation forecasts divine victory over pandemic, terrorists | News Proof



Covid-19/ Boko Haram: Inter-faith congregation forecasts divine victory over pandemic, terrorists

By Dansu Peter 

The National Inter-Faith and Religious Organizations for Peace (NIFROP) has prophesized that an end to the Boko Haram insurgency and COVID-19 pandemic is in sight. 

NIFROP made this declaration on Saturday, the seventh-day of its Joint Prayer and Fasting for divine intervention and solution to Covid-19 and Boko Haram/ISWAP terrorism. 

In his speech, NIFROP's president, Bishop Sunday Garuba said "God has given us a song of victory" over the terrorists, noting that Abubakar Shekau's days are numbered. 

Despite meeting virtually, the cleric reckoned that its sessions have garnered over 500,000 views, a testament of the firm followership across religious lines. 

With its numbers and intercessory prayers, Bishop Garuba said the fleeing Shekau and whatever is left of his group would soon be a forgotten issue.  

NIFROP, however, urged Nigerians to continue to show support for President Muhammadu Buhari and the gallant troops of Operation Lafiya Dole led by Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Tukur Buratai. 

Read full statement below: 

Dearly beloved of God, 

I welcome you all once again to the 7th day of our simultaneous joint  Prayer and Fasting programme put together in prayers and supplication to God Almighty for divine intervention in halting the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in Nigeria and across the world, as well as the end of the Boko Haram/ISWAP terrorism in Nigeria. 

As we all know, this prayer session is being held online because we have been advised to observe social distancing as a precaution. We consequently developed this online platform, which started about six days ago. 

I must commend those of us that have been consistent with the prayers and fasting even though it’s been done virtually; I also want to encourage some of us that have not been able to connect with us online in this critical national assignment do endeavor to do so.  The pages are National Inter- Faith and Religious Organisations for Peace on both YouTube and Facebook and The Unity Church/ Unity Masjid. 

Dear brethren, I am joyed in the Lord to inform you all that the first-day virtual meeting also witnessed the distribution of food to brethren across all creed and faith across the country. This is indeed phenomenal in the sense that we were able to put smiles on the faces of families regardless of their religious or ethnic affiliations. 

I also wish to inform us that so far, we have had over 50,000 viewers who have followed our prayers and fasting programme online. This is indeed phenomenal, and it is our earnest prayer that the figures should continue to increase to the glory of God. 

My dearly beloved in the Lord's vineyard, this is a great assignment that God has bestowed on our shoulders on behalf of our great country and let me announce to you all that by the special grace of God we shall emerge victorious at the end of the 21-day prayer and fasting programme. 

In the book of Hebrews 4:16, the bible says, "Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." 

Let me announce to all us that we shall receive mercy and find the grace to help us in our time of need by the special grace of God because God is not a man that he should lie, and his words are yes and amen. 
The book of Psalms 90: 17 states that "May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;
Establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands." This is reassuring because we are carrying out an important assignment, and God, in His infinite mercies shall establish the works of our hands. 

The Holy Koran also confirms this in (Quran 42:26) "And He (God) answers those who believe and do good works, and gives them more out of His Grace." 

My dear beloved, as we all know, the National Inter-Faith and Religious Organizations for Peace has been in the vanguard of uniting Nigerians across both faiths praying for the peace and progress of Nigeria, and this has seen us hold several programmes that has had a significant effect on our polity over the years. 

I want to use this occasion to commend all of us from the pastors and imams that have been committed to our activities over the years. It is our earnest desire that Nigeria shall continue to experience peace and progress now and the years ahead. 

I also want to use this medium to inform all of us that God is indeed merciful to Nigeria through the gift of President Muhammadu Buhari, whose commitment to the overall wellbeing of every Nigerian takes center stage. 

President Muhammadu Buhari has, over the years, strived to keep the country as one. For that, we are grateful to God for his benevolence and His grace over the life of our president. We pray that God in His infinite mercies continue to grant him a sound mind and sound health in the discharge of his duties. 

Dearly beloved in Christ, this body, which is also known as the Unity Church and Unity Masjid has been supporting vulnerable families with food items and direct cash transfer to those who have fallen on hard times within the period.

Our intervention was initially projected for 5 000 families. However, today we can tell you that the Lord is making more provisions and supporting brethren with more than expected. We shall continue to render this valuable assistance for as long as we can. 

We will continue to do the little that we can and pray the Almighty God to heal the land and deliver us from the Boko Haram/ISWAP evil. I want to inform all of us that indeed our victory over COVID-19 and the evil deeds of Boko Haram is certain. 

In the book of Deuteronomy 20:4 "…for the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory." Dear beloved, our victory over COVID-19 and Boko Haram shall be indeed sweet to the Glory of God. 

I want to use this medium to declare that the days of Abubakar Shekau are indeed numbered. I am convinced that by the special grace of God, he shall be captured, and the end of Boko Haram would come very soon. 

Our dear father shall not lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Our pride often tricks us into thinking we can deal with evil on our own. We can't, and if we try, we will fail. We pray to our Heavenly Father and ask for deliverance.

Dear Lord, do not remember the iniquities of our forefathers against us; Let Your compassion come quickly to meet us in Jesus name. 

I thank you all and encourage us not to relent until we receive redemption in Nigeria. God has given us a song of victory.

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