Covid-19: MFM declares another 30days spiritual warfare | News Proof



Covid-19: MFM declares another 30days spiritual warfare

By Dansu Peter 

The Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries has directed the repeat of her 30 days Prayer Retreat, whose second session ends this weekend. 

The General Overseer of MFM worldwide, Dr. Daniel Olukoya, who gave the directive, stated: "From 8th of June. We restart the prayers using the former booklet.

"From 25th of May to 7th of June, members are to read Psalm 91 and carry out aggressive praise worship for 15 minutes each day," the GO directed.

It is recalled that the ministry issued a 62 pages prayer pamphlets for use by  both MFM members and interested parties, to guide them through 30 days of intensive prayers to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in the land. 

The booklet contains prayers vomited by the Holy Ghost, to quench the pandemic rage. They are multifaceted prayers aimed at igniting revival and arresting stormy winds, decimating infirmity and directing everyone back to God, Dr. Olukoya stated in the foreword, adding that "the remedy to this pandemic is the ever efficacious blood of Jesus. 

"These prayers can be prayed at anytime of the day 

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