Presidency Arrests Insider Who Leaked Buhari’s Covid-19 Broadcast Speech | News Proof



Presidency Arrests Insider Who Leaked Buhari’s Covid-19 Broadcast Speech

By News Proof 

An insider who leaked President Muhammdu Buhari's last Covid-19 broadcast speech before the broadcast speech has been nabbed, and “already answering for his evil action”, Femi Adesina, Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to the President, Muhammadu Buhari (retd.) has said in a new publication 

The culprit was simply referred to as the "enemy of the state" by Adesina in a new article, titled, "Enemy of the state" published in his personal website,

The social media had been inundated with a draft copy of the President’s speech a few hours before his address to the nation on Monday.

The document, though marred with typos and other errors, showed some sameness to the one which was later read by the President.

However, the striking difference was that the draft copy stated that the lockdown in Federal Capital Territory Abuja, Lagos and Ogun States would be lifted on Saturday, May 2.

But Buhari in his address later that evening said the gradual easing of lockdown in the three places would be effective Monday, May 4.

Reacting on Friday through a column, ‘From The Inside’, which was published on his website,, Adesina said “an Enemy of the State struck in Nigeria on Monday”, adding that the person was guilty of “sabotage” and did not wish the country well.

He said, “I took a look at the circulating document, and within one minute, I knew that it was a rogue copy.

“I made a few phone calls to those of us involved with the script, right from origination, which was from outside the Presidency, to final editing, which I did, and the conclusion was easy to reach.

“Who would do such a thing, except an Enemy of the State, someone who wants to ridicule the government?

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