Stay-at-home Contest: Malta Guinness announces winners of #MaltaShotAtGreatness Challenge | News Proof

Stay-at-home Contest: Malta Guinness announces winners of #MaltaShotAtGreatness Challenge

By Jumoke Owoola 

Malta Guinness has unveiled the Winners of the stay at home challenge tagged 
#MaltaShotAtGreatness Challenge, a photography challenge that saw photography enthusiasts showcase creative images featuring Malta Guinness variants with the grand prize of a “Photoshoot Contract with Malta Guinness and One Year Supply of Malta Guinness to the emerging winner.

Over 500 hundred entries were received, and they all displayed a diverse range of creative works, all wrapping the nourishing goodness and energy of Malta Guinness in great lighting and colour. 

The amazing and talented panel of judges; Bayo Omoboriowo, Nate Genius and George Okoro reviewed the entries during a three-day live session on Instagram sharing their personal journey to greatness,
inspiring up-coming photographers to keep reaching for greatness and exploring their creative talents. 

The winner of the Challenge - Agboh Ayodeji Henry with Instagram handle “@dehenvisuals who couldn’t contain his excitement during the Instagram live exclaimed “I am very excited to emerge as the winner, I did not expect it! Thank you to the Judges for selecting my entry, I have learnt a lot from all the photography reviews. My deepest appreciation to Malta Guinness for their continuous commitment to fueling the greatness of Nigerian creatives.”

The other two runner-up entries were Ijaola Oyinlola Ifeoluwa and Godwin Chukwuebuka and they 
were rewarded with One Year Supply of Malta Guinness as consolation prizes.

Below are some of the top entries photos :

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