Group raises alarm over Amnesty International's support for Boko Haram, says 'we can't breathe' | News Proof

Group raises alarm over Amnesty International's support for Boko Haram, says 'we can't breathe'

By Dansu Peter 

The Citizens Against Fake Activists say Amnesty International is choking Nigeria with its support for Boko Haram/ISWAP terrorists and the nation can no longer breathe. 

At a time where the Black Lives Matter movement has gained prominence worldwide over incidents of police brutality against African-American people, CAFA said AI surprisingly remained mute. 

Instead, the activists revealed that the humanitarian organization has maintained its alliance with terrorists to destroy Nigeria.   

In a statement signed by its Executive Director, Comrade Salako Matthew, on Sunday, CAFA attributed the resurgence of terrorist activities in the country to AI, hiding "under the nomenclature of promoting and preserving human rights". 

According to the group, this is born out of hatred for the growth and development of Nigeria, as well as the entrenchment of sustainable peace and tranquillity. 

While hailing the progress made by the gallant troops in recent time, CAFA, however, urged Nigerian authorities to act now before Amnesty International and their international collaborators succeed in their strangulation of the country. 

The group warned AI that it has suffocated Nigeria enough and it is time to leave the country.

Read full statement below:

The Citizens Against Fake Activists, a civil society organization dedicated to exposing the nefarious activities of fake activists in Nigeria both as individuals and organizations warmly welcome you all to this press conference converged in the light of the recent happenings in the country.

It is indeed a cause for sober reflections in Nigeria in the sense that there seem to be a congregation of external and internal forces against the soul of Nigeria with the resurgence of acts of terrorism and criminality across the country. 

We wish to enlighten members of the general public that the recent attacks by Boko Haram/ISWAP on innocent citizens have indeed shown that certain forces are behind the continuous existence of terrorist groups in Nigeria. 

This is on the heels that the Nigerian Military has been outstanding in its operations in addressing the various security challenges in the country, yet, they fester because the agents of darkness and those that want to see to the disintegration of Nigeria have continued to provide covert support to Boko Haram/ISWAP and other criminal and militant groups in fulfilment of the wishes of their paymasters.

Just like the way Boko Haram and armed bandits have been tormenting the soul of our country, some organizations with sinister motives have remained behind the activities of these organizations with their collaborators and partners in crime enjoying life to the fullest. 

We wish to state that one of such organizations is Amnesty International whose activities in Nigeria is borne out of deep hatred for the growth and development of Nigeria, as well as the entrenchment of sustainable peace and tranquillity.

It is sufficing to state that the operations of Amnesty International in Nigeria is despicable and a great exhibition of deceit and hatred, and yet, it hides under the nomenclature of promoting and preserving human rights. 

The Citizens Against Fake Activists is alarmed that the entity called Amnesty International has not only remained silent and dumb over what has been going on with black people around the world but remained in Nigeria to choke the citizens with their tacit support for Boko Haram and clandestine activities to destabilize the country.

We consequently wish to state that Amnesty International has been an ally of the Boko Haram/ISWAP terrorist group in the country through the tactic support it has been giving the group. This is also evident in the fact that it has been stated in numerous forums on how Amnesty International has been serving as the intellectual arm of the Boko Haram group. 

Amnesty International has been covertly recruiting members for the Boko Haram group under the pretence of conducting researches and training. Several civil society organizations in Nigeria have highlighted this much.  

The Citizens Against Fake Activists wishes to state that the nefarious activities of Amnesty International in Nigeria has indeed frustrated the efforts of the Nigerian Military in operation in North-East Nigeria in the sense that it has consistently fed the members of the general public half-truths about the Nigerian Military with regards to human rights compliance. 

Amnesty International is also by all indication complicit in the various propaganda against the Nigerian Military in operation in North-East Nigeria with the sole purpose causing a distraction especially in a time where gains are being recorded in the war against terrorism in Nigeria.

As it stands, we wish to state that Nigerian cannot breathe anymore under the chokehold of Amnesty International through their tactic support for the activities of Boko Haram and other militant groups in the country. 

It is also ignoble for Amnesty International to be in the vanguard of the disintegration of Nigeria. This much has been evident in their annual reports, press statements, press conferences, which are often disjointed and laced with outright insinuations and illogical conclusions. 

It is also no longer news that Amnesty International does not see any good in the efforts of the Nigerian Military in the fight against terrorism in Nigeria because their paymasters are indeed the same external sources that have been providing logistics support to the Boko Haram/ISWAP group. 

The Citizens Against Fake Activists wishes to inform the generality of the public that since all efforts to make Amnesty International see reasons and retrace their steps have failed, Nigerians will, therefore, recognize Amnesty International as a terrorist group. The implication of the above is that its staff and their families would be treated as terrorists whose motive is ultimately for the disintegration of Nigeria.

The Citizens Against Fake Activists is disturbed that Nigeria can no longer breathe with the campaign of disintegration launched by Amnesty International against the country. We consequently wish to state that should the government not act now, Amnesty International and their international collaborators might succeed in their strangulation of Nigeria.  

The Citizens Against Fake Activists is of the considered opinion that Nigeria and Nigerians should have nothing to do with organizations that aids and abets acts of terrorism and other forms of criminalities. 

Amnesty International is indeed choking Nigeria, we can no longer breathe, and it is expedient that they leave Nigeria in peace.

I thank you all for your attention and time.  

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