LIFE MAY NEVER BE Fair, By kikekon Manoah | News Proof



LIFE MAY NEVER BE Fair, By kikekon Manoah

By kikekon Manoah 

This paper will simply discuss the perceptions of people about life challenges and how it affects who they eventually become in life. How ones thought becomes reality.

The perception of most people when they face life challenges or difficulties is that life is not fair, thinking that, why should such a thing happens to them?. Some goes to the extent of assuming that since I am a good person, bad things are not supposed to happen to me, however whether good or bad, it has nothing to do with whom you think you are.

It should be clear that your challenge in life is not all as a result of how good or bad you are, there are lots of unfortunate circumstances going on around the world which is not avoidable or can’t be stopped. This is because they are meant to be, it is part of what nature offers to human. Looking at it from another angle, the unfair situations in life gives room for appreciating the fair aspect of life. If there had not been a situation of being "poor" you won’t be able to appreciate God when you are "rich", if there had not been the situation of being "hungry" you won’t be appreciative when you are "satisfied". “The unfair aspect of life makes the fair aspect relevant”
You must know that there is always a purpose why you should be faced with some challenging moment, it is either for you to learn a lesson or to improve one at that which one does. Most people dwell on the reason why a challenge had come rather than solution to it. One thing I would like to tell you which had worked for me is that, when you are facing challenges, just imagine what you would do after the difficult moment. Think of things that you will do differently after the challenges and not dwell on the damages the challenges must have cost you. 

Trust me it’s somehow difficult to do what I just said but you just have to give it a try, because it has worked several times. You can’t expect all your plans in life to work smoothly as planed always, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. By the time it does not augur well, you feel down trodden and discouraged, at that point in life you questions your existence in Life and why God had decided to punish you in that way, my friend you should know that challenges is part of the things that made you up and make you stronger.
You should know that almost all challenges which comes your way are to make you stronger and efficient. Can you show me a successful man, that never faced any challenges or never failed in that thing, that eventually made him successful?. When you look at how the successful men tells their stories, they usually end it with “thanks be to God for helping them pool through the trying times” but the unsuccessful ones will always say “if life had been fair enough, I would have been a rich man”. One thing they don’t know or refuse to believe is that: there is never any point in time that life had been fair and it may never be.
The unfairness of life transformed the so called great men of life to who they are today. When you look at the great men of today, it is either they were drop out in school or they were rejected by the people around them because they could not live up to the expected standard or because of their deficiency. When you speak with such people they  will tell you “it’s the challenges that had made them think of a better life”. If you look at the larger percentage of wealthy people in the world today, is either they are from a poor background, or their transition journey to success has been highly challenging. The reason why someone from a poor background eventually make it to the top if he is determined, is because life from onset had been tough. At some point they get use to challenges and never see it as a tragedy rather an opportunity. This is the drive that keep them moving and taking higher risk and achieving more out of life.
On the other hand people from the rich background sometimes handle challenges differently, because of the way they were brought up, and what they have always seen life to be. They either see challenge as punishment from God or as a result of their incompetency, in that case it’s difficult to overcome challenges.
Another thing that is very important is to get people of positive mind set around you when you are faced with challenges, or you do something that would motivate you. It is either you read some books, listen to some tapes or sport of your choice. Doing this will get you distracted from the thought of the damages, the challenge may or had caused. In recent time i was faced with a challenge where i needed something, it weighed me down so much that I could not sleep nor eat, I told a friend and her response was “don’t worry you will get it” at first I didn’t believe her, I was like how do you think I could get this thing in a very short time, she repeated her statement again. That was when I started developing believes in her statement and I started working towards it. You won’t believe I got it earlier than expected.
One thing you should know about life is that your thought propels your actions and your actions determines your reality. When you have a negative thought you definitely have negative actions which will result to negative events. When I was In school, at a point I was so discouraged that I don’t know what to do, I then called my neighbour. I asked her if she had ever thought of committing suicide, she said No. I then asked her, what if she is faced with a difficult situation in life, what will she do? she said “I will Face it”. I was just like someone poured me cold water in a hot sunny day, the thought came to me, so I have to face it, which I did and I pooled through. At times of challenges avoid negative people.
More people committed suicide now than ever, during the COVID 19 145% of people committed suicide around the world. Most of them killed themselves because of the fear of the virus or the damaging effect it causes to their life. One thing we should get clear here is that "fear" is false evidence appearing real. Probably if those people had not commit suicide they would have been alive today doing better, but they allowed the false evidence to overcome them. What they failed to know is that ending life is never the solution to any form of challenges. That is why some people pen down notes of what they will become after committing suicide. They say by the time they come back to the world again, they will do things in a different way. I don’t know if they have seen anyone who say, he or she has been once here before.
Looking at it from another angle some people became world greatest as a result of the COVID 19, people like Jack Mar, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Yuan, Bill Gate. These are people that looked through the challenges facing the whole world, to see opportunities. These personalities had multiply their fortune in very short time, compare to those that had committed suicide because of the same thing. The only difference between both personalities is their perception of COVID 19, the former couldn’t look through the challenge, meanwhile the latter was able to look through to see opportunities. 
One group saw the challenge as what had come to stay, while the other saw it as a challenge that is coming and to pass. Seeing challenge as a period that came and must go and not to stay will help you to imagine the aftermath of the challenge, and also to look at the opportunities in it.
Less Brown will say “if you have never failed in life, it means you have not done anything” he further said “fail your way through to success”. From the two statement it means if someone want anything good in life, there is no shot cut, challenges will definitely come which one have to face. One should see challenge as an opportunity to create a better version of himself. 
I am not here to tell you making it in life is about doing the right thing alone, but to let us know, that making it in life is the ability to overcome the challenges in doing the right things, because if you are able to overcome, you will definitely do that right thing in a better way.

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