How SDGs Is Addressing The Menance Of Second Wave Of COVID-19 Pandemic | News Proof



How SDGs Is Addressing The Menance Of Second Wave Of COVID-19 Pandemic

By Yusuf Abubakar 

Sustainable Development Goals SDGs, as parts of it's 17 goals is to ensure a healthy and virile nation,were socio-economic equation is expected to thrive in the face of any daunting challenges.

In the face of global Health challenges of COVID-19 pandemic that brought the entire activities world over to a halt in the early part of 2019,and as part of it's Sustainable Development plans,the leadership of the agency, prioritise to a domesticated policy to prevent the effects of recurence.

Having analysed the interwoven goals as corrolary to a healthy living,the need to rejig the provision of Health and it's facilities,made the program of the agency in Nigeria more accessible to address the  negative effects of second wave of COVID-19 pandemic.

The leadership of SDGs in Nigeria under Princess Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire made adequate provision, through budgetary analysis to  address and mitigate the effects of the scourge in the overall interest of the country.

Having developed a template of providing health care facilities through massive provision of clinics, hospitals and it's equipments all over the country.

It became simplified to expand on the existing arrangements through a redoubled efforts for mass proliferation of more Health care facilities, through direct intervention by SDGs and encouragement of the political class to address the effects of the scourge.

As part of 74th UN General Assembly, conference in anticipation of any unforeseen circumstances arising from threat to global social services.

Princess Adefulire through it's robust policies and programs in SDGs ensure a well thought out arrangement with strict supervision and job specifications,mass construction of clinics, hospitals both in the rural and urban areas, along with model hospital equipments to address various complications arising from the ailement.

In the spirit of hardwork, patriotism, determination to achieve results,the Management of SDGs has created an enabling environment for a soft landing and a well contained effects of the world ravaged pandemic in Nigeria.

With adequate provision to ensure a healthy environment free of any effects of second wave of COVID-19,and other strange ailement that will preclude sustainable development in line with the domestic and global  expectations.

This positive developement had brought so much envisage intervention in response to the second wave of COVID-19,that will drive social , economic and political emancipation of Nigeria.

Abubakar Yusuf Writes From Abuja

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