Bruedent FC defeats Alfa Boys 2 - 1 in crunch derby game in Lagos | News Proof



Bruedent FC defeats Alfa Boys 2 - 1 in crunch derby game in Lagos

By: kikekon Manoah 

A friendly match took place between 'Bruedent football club' and 'Alfa Boys'. on Friday march 12, 2021 at Agboju, Amuwo Grammar school, Lagos state. It happened to be a local derby match between both teams. 

The match ended with a 2 - 1, with Bruedent f.c. topping. The goal scorers in the Bruedent F.c team are; James David and Ugochukwu Julius. The match was played strictly on COVID-19 protocol.

Speaking with Ojelowo Alli Abiodun, the manager of Bruedent F.C “Many of the players are still undergoing trials, but with the level of their performance in the last local derby match, it can be said to be average performance. The purpose of the match is to know the level of fitness of the just discovered talents in Bruedent football club. These players were picked from their various schools by the manager of Bruedent F.C.”

He also said “we brought them together and they have been undergoing training for the past two months, so as the manager, I decided to organize a friendly match between Bruedent F.C and Alfa F.C. to know their level of improvement on their previous training given to them by their coach, Tony.

In view of the coach, Mr Tony, the players need enough confidence, which is what have been noticed by the coach and the team has started working seriously on that.

The manager further said, "the team needs extra training. The more they train, the better for them. They need to train tentatively, tremendously and adequately, because the game of football is not just you having talent, talent without hard work will never take a player anywhere, when hard work and talent is combined together, the sky will be the limit of such players. They can now aim at becoming professional players.

The major keys needed to move from grass root player to professional football player are discipline, hard working and focus".

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