Akume: That National Chairman APC Deserves In 2023, By Philip Agbese | News Proof

Akume: That National Chairman APC Deserves In 2023, By Philip Agbese

By Philip Agbese 

There would hardly have been anything to deeply excite my spirit passionately  had I professed membership  of any other political  Party,   outside the ruling All Progressives Congress ( APC) in this age.  I am infinitely  fascinated  by the ululations of its  alphabetical  combinations , with endearing  hagiograpic connotations,   particularly  the word,  "progressives."  

Quite lucidly, I  have no  scantilla of doubt that the APC is truely a political  association  of progressives on the  mission of mass liberation  of Nigerians from the cuffs of crass neglect and kleptomanic  and self- centered leadership. 

And with President  Muhammadu Buhari  at the helms as Nigeria's  democratic  leader, his focused,  purposeful and result- oriented  leadership  has impinged  profound affection  of  the APC on the pysche of Nigerians as a Party with a difference,   evidenced in the  breaking of new grounds and exploring fresh frontiers  in governance and development of Nigeria.  

Definitely,    I am neither the only  Nigerian charmed by the aura of APC for a rebirth of Nigeria nor merely  prodded to praisesing its beauty because  I am contesting the  2023 Ado/Ogbadibo/ Okpokwu  federal constituency's seat  for the House of Representatives on  the APC platform.  But nature has taught us that what is good deserves to be embraced  and men of good conscience  are divinely  obliged to to trumpet it.  

Truly,  I am not of the Nostradamus lineage.  But  with my  little gift of prescience,  I foresee the  gains of Nigeria  from  an APC sustained leadership  of the country,   in greater magnitude  in future,  than currently  experienced today. 

Some other Nigerians have also  seen this certainty like me,  and  with even  more  crystal lucidity than myself.  It is raison d'etre the APC has become the most patronised honey for politicians at the moment. It offers the plank for fulfilling  dreams or actualising ambitions  for both individuals  and communities in Nigeria.  

That APC's popularity soars minutely is not delusionary or a mere  propaganda hype! Its the reality  as  attested by the roving tsunamic  defections of tens of thousands  of  opposition  Party chieftains,   together with  their massive support- bases  into APC in recent times.  

 The APC's nest of membership  has stretched to the near  of  explosion now.  But we are excited and prepared  to welcome more Nigerians into its fold  because APC has dispensed itself as a Party overtly  hostile to the ideologies of the bandwagon political  undertakers and power hawks in Nigeria. The Party only anchors and plays politics of development, which I believe  is a dire necessity for our people.  

However,   I have sensed an arduous task for leaders of the reigning  APC,  Africa's most popular,   finely co-ordinated   and  effective  political organisation  on the continent.  My experience  in politics tells me, managing human resources or human political capital  is not a  storm in a coffee cup,  but an enamous responsibility. 

This assignment  needs gifted  leaders who are competent, honest,   foresighted and weaponised with all  the  fundamentally necessary   ideas or  strategies to succeed. Its not something  as easy as a peck off the shelves as others would perceive it.  
Therefore, and like others, I eagerly look  forward to the   upcoming APC  national convention  to crown a new set of  officials to superintend on the  affairs of our great Party.  I appreciate every Party for the godly support  in coming this far in victorious  strides,  despite circumstantial  hiccups.  

And from the coterie of topflight Party chieftains  vying for the seat of APC  national chairman, the Party has  technically  conceded to the North  central region,  one aspirant,  Dist.  Sen.  George  Akume's  candidacy is outstandingly catchy and plausible in every sense. 

I have no modicum  of misgivings that the APC  deserves to again, overwhelmingly   trounce  the assemblage of  other political parties at all levels  in the 2023  general  elections.  But I also know,  ballot victories are not earned on a platter of gold. Its planned consciously,  and powered by deliberate strategies. 

This sensitive  assignment  requires the competitive  or innate resourcefulness,  competence and managerial acumen of a Party's leaders to puncture the prosecuting  mechanism  of rivals.  Only this approach  dismantle   serial   hurdles to  penetrate bulwarks in opposing camps in  order  to create the desired impact in the masses  to attract mass appeal,  support and victory. 

So,  we need an APC  national  chairman  with these  expressive capacities  and qualities.  The expected  national chairman,  the  APC needs now to extinguish the roguish opposition  powermongers and permenantly  blight their dubious  shadows  in  Nigeria's   leadership  temple is someone who is urbane,  a shrewd tactician, an administrative prodigy,    quiet schemer,  an adroit personality,  highly connected, versatile  in the antics of cosmopolitan politics or power play in Nigeria and its leadership.  Most significantly,  we need a national chairman with  a massive  blend of rurality or  grassroots  appeal, an  exceptional conciliator and a dogged spirit  of political  battles,  with an infectious aura of general acceptability  beyond Party confines. 

These essential qualities  are all  embodied in the Benue - born,  political bulldozer,  Sen.  George Akume,  Nigeria's current  Minister for Special  Duties and Intra- governmental Affairs.  I am convinced,  Akume parades enticing and  captivating  credentials as a public servant,  reputable administrator,   consummate politician,   tested and trusted public  leader of edifying  magnificence.  

Akume started his  public service as a civil servant.  He rose to the peak and retired as a Permanent  Secretary in Benue  state. His first romance with public service  and politics was when he served as Sole Administrator of Gboko LGA in Benue  state. His foray into active partisan politics manifested when he made the first attempt to contest the governorship of Benue state under the platform  of the CNC ( Center for National  Consensus) Party,    in the  aborted Abacha  transition to democratic  rule.  

However,  Benue  people  discovered the immense  administrative and leadership  treasures in Akume and elected him Governor  of the state,  upon the restoration  of democracy  in 1999.

From my personal  investigations, a  Benue gasping for life  desperately needed  a leader of Akume's  mien to quench the thirst on the land by berthing succour. Proudly and to his credit,  we are alive to testify to his rewarding  leadership  of the state for eight years.  

Minister Akume served Benue as an Executive Governor  for eight years.  While serving in that capacity,  he extended his political  outreaches  to other parts of Nigeria,  cultivating and harvesting friendship across ethnic and religious divides. I know Sen.  Akume as an unrepentant democrat,  who believes absolutely  in democratic  ethos.  He was one of the few State Governors of his time on the platform  of the PDP who galvanized resistant  forces to oppose ex- President  Olusegun Obasanjo's unconstitutional third term agenda or what some of us branded as "dubious tenure  elongation." 

Thereafter,  Akume was elected into the Senate in 2007 under the platform  of PDP to represent  his people of Benue North West Senatorial  district.  As first timer in the Senate,  Akume vied for the seat of Senate President zoned to the North Central.  Amazingly,  Akume narrowly  lost the highly competitive  seat in the  contest  to a three-time serial Senator,  Dist.  Sen.  David Mark. 

Akume lost the seat,  but won the hearts of many for the daring and impactful move.  I  interpreted the action as  bold and strikingly,  a   rare outing,  genuinely  reflective of Akume's  widespread political  outreach and acceptability   in the country.   

Akume's sagacity and thickness has made him trudge successfully  in seemingly rough political terrains. In 2011, irreconciliable differences pitched him against his successor,  now Sen.  Gabriel Suswam,  the then Governor of the state under PDP. It compelled him to ditch the PDP for the opposition  Action Congress of Nigeria, (ACN)  predominantly domiciled in Nigeria's Southwest region.  ACN had very faint presence in the North,  specifically,  North Central.  But Sen.  Akume pulled the party  to Benue,  contested and won  his 2011 senatorial seat effortlessly. In the Senate,  Sen.  Akume was unanimously  elected Senate Minority Leader. He became  the lead parliament  voice of opposition  parliamentarians of different  political  Parties  in the Red Chambers  for four years.  Here too,  Akume excelled in leadership  and deepened his political  clout across Nigeria. 

Interestingly,  Sen.  Akume's  2011 shadows in ACN marked  the beginning  of the entrenchment of the ACN and opposition  politics  into the soul of the North Central,  a region hitherto almost near exclusive to the party politics of  the then ruling PDP.  ACN  later merged with other opposition  political parties in Nigeria  to birth the powerful  ruling APC. 

So,  Sen. ( Dr.)  Akume  is one  Nigerian politician,  with the blue blood from the lineage  of the late political  sage,   Sen.  J . S  Tarka,  the famous minority rights crusader.    It is not strange that Akume    survives  the hardest and toughest political hurricanes  basically because  of his infectious democratic  credentials and amiability.  The  personality  of Sen.  George Akume personifies him as  a core grassroots schemer,   consummate leader, a  humble man  and an uncommon  philanthropist. A personal perusal of Akume's  persona betrays him as a leader more interested  in investing in human resources development  than accumulating personal  wealth.  

In 2019, greater vistas were opened to Sen.  Akume,  the APC leader,  North Central,   when he served as Vice Chairman North, All Progressive Congress (APC) Presidential Council.  And despite deliberate political sabotage by the opposition  gladiators,  APC still still sustained its winning streaks  with  impressive  outings in majority  of states in the North,  including the  reelection  of President  Muhammadu  Buhari for a second term  mandate.  

Akume has continued to exalt and expand this political  influence in the North and Nigeria. I gleaned this pleasant reality from the array of top leaders,  elderstatesmen,  Party chieftains, political  groups and cultural associations  from across Nigeria  which paid solidarity  visits to Sen.  George  Akume  after his appointment  as Minister and member of FEC by President  Buhari. 

 His Abuja Maitama residence ceaselessly  hosted these dignitaries for months.  This was long  before he indicated interest in contesting the national  chairmanship  seat of the APC.  I have seen a replication  of such fondness of Sen.  Akume more intensely now that he is vying for the APC's topmost job. It has been another season of terrorents of supports all over Nigeria .  The support is overwhelming and the campaigns at his behest to become the APC national chairman are  very trenchant. 

And Minister Akume  earned my eternal respect as an unrepentant and faithful  party man  in 2015  over a little,   but significant  political  incident.  After the presidential and national assembly ballot of 2015,  and despite the wind of change blowing across Nigeria with Buhari as President -elect,  Nasarawa South senatorial district predominately peopled by Tiv voters,  threatened to vote against  the reelection  of the then serving Gov.  Tanko Al-Makura who  flew the ticket of the APC in the election.

 Irreconciliable political  differences caused the chasm,  which estranged the Tiv community  from Gov.  Al-Makura's reelection gambit. 
It took the immediate intervention of Senator Akume to visit  and dialogue with the Tiv community in Nasarawa  to restore support and return Sen.   Al-Makura as Governor for a second term, as their bulk votes to another  party would have bruised APC's chances of state victory. That's the true spirit  of a core party man and leader as examplified by Sen.  Akume.  

Frankly, Akume  is the verdict of a wide spectrum of APC  Party stakeholders,  I have  been  privileged  to sample  their opinions.  They insist  that with all these  qualities,  connections and mass appeal going for Akume in every nook and cranny of the country, he neatly  fits into that bill perfectly  and correctly. 

I foresee an added icing of the  cake  for Akume  with the  anticipated endorsement of his candidature by President Buhari,  the national father- figure of APC in Nigeria . With this step in the kitty,  President  Buhari  would have  unwittingly   sealed the victorious  electoral  fate of the APC for another eight  years after his Presidency. 

 Surely,  with an Akume APC national  chairmanship and his team of competent lieutenants ,  the electoral pandora's box would have  been unstoppably opened  for the perpetual power hawks,   scavengers and looters of Nigeria's  commonwealt.  I mean,  the opposition  Party which is  already weakened by the scandalous shadows manifest in the  disappearance of the  over N11 billion Party funds  in the fixed deposit account for the building of its national Secretariat,  as Dr.  Iyorchia  Ayu,  the national  chairman -elect threatens audit probe. Its shameful!  

I have no slight hesitation that if given the opportunity,  Sen.  George  Akume  will be fair and just to all party members,  and Nigerians.  

Agbese is an aspirant for Ado/Okpokwu/Ogbadibo Federal House of Representatives writing from Agila.

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