Ned Nwoko's acceptance to serve will boost economy of Delta, Nigeria- Coalition | News Proof



Ned Nwoko's acceptance to serve will boost economy of Delta, Nigeria- Coalition

By Dansu Peter 

The Coalition of Nigerian Youths for Good Governance said the decision by Prince Ned Nwoko to represent his people at the Senate by 2023 will help to tun around the  economy of Delta and Nigeria as a whole.

Goodluck Thompson in a statement issued in Abuja on behalf of the Coalition said the recent acceptance by Prince Ned Nwoko to represent his people at the Red Chambers is a continuation of good tidings for his immediate constituency and the entirety of the Nigerian populace. 

He said Prince Nwoko is unarguably the most charismatic philanthropist in Nigeria who has devoted his time and wealth to better humanity without blowing his trumpet. He is a silent achiever who believes in teaching people how to fish and at the same time giving them fishes. No doubt, he has inscribed his name in gold on the sands of time. In Ned, we have seen the realities of Angels living amongst men in human form. 

"We cannot argue less, the good people of Delta North Senatorial District can be rated as the luckiest people on planet Earth because it is not just timely that a trailblazer has agreed to represent them come 2023 at the hallowed chamber, it is going to be the best representation, so far, so good in the history of Delta state. This is not a misappropriation of fact but a reflection of current realities.

"A man who has contributed to the development of his country and immediate constituency as a private citizen should be appraised for accepting to represent his people because he is projected to do more while occupying a public office. Ned Nwoko is already in the Senate and we want to assure his people that there is NO SHAKING!

We are also not ignorant of the fact that his candidacy is a big threat to other selfish contenders who are not even known in their constituency because Prince Ned is not an aspirant but a choosen mandate by his people and for the betterment of his people. Politics is truly a call to serve and not an opportunity to loot public fund. 

"Our lens captured some of the philanthropic flair of this great bridge builder who has continued to soar high on the wings of progress by erasing every trace of inhumanity of man to man on his path through periodic outreaches in cash and in kind without seeking compensation. But now is the time approved by his people to enable Nwoko send down more lights from the Red Chambers of national relevance. 

"In his usual way and manner, over 200 students from various states in Nigeria including Delta are presently enjoying scholarships under his able watch and care. For Ned, assisting the downtrodden does not warrant any form of media coverage or propaganda. He has continued to touch lives irrespective of race or colour but according to divine provisions. In Delta North and Nigeria at large, Prince Ned is a household name due to his magnanimous approach to human needs by making his people comfortable by providing educational and social amenities. At the moment, the First Sports University in Nigeria located in Idumuje Ugboko, Delta state has witnessed 90% completion and  when completed and approved It will without doubt be the first sports university in Nigeria and also shock many to know that the people's choice –Hon Nwoko– is the brain behind this magnificent project. The University is scheduled for commissioning in the coming days and upon completion, it shall afford Nigerians the opportunity to win more laurels in Olympics and other National and International outings through adequate training and preparations.

"Prince Nwoko is fully prepared for the task ahead. He is an academically sound icon that has all the needed criteria to speak in the comity of Nations. Nwoko is an experienced legal luminary recognized globally as a voice to reckon with. His academic credentials speak volume and are rarely unmatched especially in the sphere of contemporary Nigerian Politics. Aside bagging various honorary doctorate degrees from reputed universities in and out of Nigeria (including a doctorate degree from the Federal University of Petroluem Technology, Warri) Prince Nwoko is impeccably a solicitor of the supreme court of England and Wales and a former Barrister at law of Lincoln’s inn England. It will also amaze his people and the bulk of Nigeria populace to know that he is the first black African to travel to South Pole in Antarctica where he hoisted the Nigerian flag. This is applaudable and an obvious attestation that Nwoko is a patriotic Nigerian.

"Prince Ned Nwoko is not your regular kind of politician. He takes the lead while others follow. Let it be known that he is a naturally born leader full of amazing character and charisma. It is in this light that we are urging any other contender to bury their hatchet and rather join hands with the people's voice to ensure fair representation for the good people of Delta North Senatorial District in the next dispensation. Nwoko has paid his dues. Once again, congratulations to citizens of Nigeria in his constituents because the game changer has listened to their cry and he will definitely make a difference. We are equally thanking Prince Nwoko for always having the interest of his people at heart. 

"Bravo! Keep doing good. It will shock many to know that the people's choice –Hon Nwoko– is the brain behind this magnificent project. The University is scheduled for commissioning in the coming days and upon completion, it shall afford Nigerians the opportunity to win more laurels in Olympics and other National and International outings through adequate training and preparations.

"Prince Nwoko is fully prepared for the task ahead. He is an academically sound icon that has all the needed criteria to speak in the comity of Nations. Nwoko is an experienced legal luminary recognized globally as a voice to reckon with. His academic credentials speak volume and are rarely unmatched especially in the sphere of contemporary Nigerian Politics. Aside bagging numerous doctorate degrees from reputed universities in and out of Nigeria (including a doctorate degree from the Federal University of Petroluem Technology, Warri) Prince Nwoko is impeccably a solicitor of the support court of England and Wales and a Barrister at law of Lincoln’s in England. It will also amaze his people and the bulk of Nigeria populace to know that he is the first black African to travel to South Pole in Antarctica where he hoisted the Nigerian flag. This is applaudable and an obvious attestation that Nwoko is a patriotic Nigerian.

"Prince Ned Nwoko is not your regular kind of politician. He takes the lead while others follow. Let it be known that he is a naturally born leader full of amazing character and charisma. It is in this light that we are urging any other contender to bury their hatchet and rather join hands with the people's voice to ensure fair representation for the good people of Delta North Senatorial District in the next dispensation. Nwoko has paid his dues. Once again, congratulations to citizens of Nigeria in his constituents because the game changer has listened to their cry and he will definitely make a difference. We are equally thanking Prince Nwoko for always having the interest of his people at heart" he said

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