2023: Northern activists, middle belt groups reach accord to back Tinubu | News Proof



2023: Northern activists, middle belt groups reach accord to back Tinubu

By Dansu Peter 

As the 2023 general elections draw near, thousands of political activists as well as several middle belts group have converged on Abuja to draw a way forward and as well as reached an accord to support  the Bola Ahmed Tinubu Presidency next year.

The groups in their thousands while meeting at the Abuja International Conference Centre said  the All Progressives Congress Chieftain, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu remains the only messiah that can salvage Nigeria from its present quagmire. 

Speaking on the theme of the meeting which is, The Tinubu Challenge and the future of Nigeria, the leader of the group, Jonathan Isaac said Nigerian leaders in government, business and many civil institutions  can attest to the leadeership quality of His Excellency, distinguished  senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

He said Nigeria as a country has sustained many challenges, most recently, the attack on Abuja-kaduna rail way and the killings of innocent nigerians in plateau state, but  with the love and the massive support for Tinubu as seen at the gathering, he said there is still hope for Nigeria 

Isaac said although Nigeria today , faces security challenges on several fronts especially in the northeast and all parts of the country but he said an opportunity has presented itself to vote in a leader in the person of Bola Tinubu as the next president of Nigeria next year.

"A man who understands the present day nigeria and the real secrets for a peaceful nation, over my years in the public sector, even as a security analyst i have seen and argued that what guaranteed a peaceful nation is not the military might but the economic transformation and developmental governance.

"Fortunately, Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu who is well knowledgeable in economic transformation and developmental governance offer himself to bridge the gap.

"Tinubu believes that no matter where you come from, or what you look like, we are all born equal, touched by the Grace of God. He believes every person has worth , every person matters and every person deserves to be treated with decency and respect. This is evident in his unmatched leadership approach and records of human development in lagos state and across Nigeria including the current administration. I want to believe that DIGNITY was seen as a virtue reserved  for leaders of his kind and It will take a revolution of the spirit , over many centuries , to open our eyes again to the DIGNITY of such leaders like him in the present day nigeria, so we are glad to have him.

"At this juncture, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, 

I want to say here that Nigeria's future and progress can be seen in the man that brings us together today. 

*Nigeria don't need strong men, we need strong institutions" he added

* We don't want trader's money , we need policies that encourages trades and fuels progress, 

*We don't want patrons, we want partners who can help us build our own capacity to grow, atleast a proper turnover maintenance of Nigeria refineries, We don't want the indignity of dependence, we want to make our own choices and determine our own future-And I am proud of everyone of you for the progress we have made , we don't want anyone else, except His Excellency Ahmed Bola Tinubu- The Asiwaju of lagos  And The Jagaban of Nigeria. 

One of the Coordinators of the group, Dauda Yakub in his welcome address urged the APC leadership to support  the candidacy of Sen. Ahmed Bola Tinubu for the 2023 Presidential election.

He said after careful analysis of all that have indicated interest vis-a-vis their antecedents and capacity to provide the needed leadership capable of repositioning the country on the path of growth, Tinubu stands out

According to the group, Tinubu has done more than enough to prove to all doubt­ing Thomas’s that he pos­sesses all that it takes to be a performing President.

" We wish to state in unequivocal terms that Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu indeed is what the country needs in this critical point of our existence.

“We have also carefully studied his numerous con­tributions to democratic ideals in the country right from the era of military rule in Nigeria and indeed found it worthy as that presidential material with the proper fo­cus, capacity, and sagacity to lead this country come 2023.

“Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu is not new to us as his trademarks are replete in various sectors of our nation­al life and paramount in the sustenance of our nascent de­mocracy. He is a bridge-build­er and a talent hunter, as evi­dent during his tenure as the Executive Governor of Lagos State from 1999 to 2007.

“It is sufficient to mention that Lagos state experienced phenomenal growth and de­velopment under his astute leadership. It is also on re­cord that he also identified and brought into reckoning some individuals who went ahead to become resourceful in their contributions to the country’s socio-economic de­velopment at large.

“The Middle Belt region owes Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu a great deal of grat­itude. It is on record that he was instrumental to many gains recorded in the re­gion through his network of friends of like minds that consequently embraced his progressive leadership style of governance " he said

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