Former NBC Director General, Prof. Armstrong Idachaba Holds 8th Inaugural Lecture April 13. | News Proof



Former NBC Director General, Prof. Armstrong Idachaba Holds 8th Inaugural Lecture April 13.

By Yusuf Abubakar 

Immediate past Director General, National Broadcasting Commission NBC and Professor of Mass Communication, Armstrong Idachaba will on April 13th, 2022 deliver the 8th inaugural lecture at Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu in Enugu state.

The inaugural lecture will dwell on mediated convergences,cosmo- philosophical ideologies, and the building of a modern Nigeria.

The erudite Professor of Mass Communication had presented series of papers at Inaugural lectures both on current and recurrent issues with direct impact on academic and conventional issues.

This year's event is expected to attract not only the academia but technocrats and bureaucrats that will inturn enrich the performance of the ivory tower and government activities in Nigeria and across the globe.

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