Clerics laud new NYSC DG, Dogara, harps on teamwork | News Proof



Clerics laud new NYSC DG, Dogara, harps on teamwork

By Dansu Peter 
The College of Bishops Imams and Clergy Councils (CBICC) has commended the new Director General of the NYSC, Brig Gen Yushau Dogara, on his appointment as the substantive DG of the scheme by president Muhammadu Buhari

A statement released to media by the group's national coordinator Bishop Abel Kings , the group noted that going by his sterling and unblemish record in the military, Brig Gen Dogara's appointment was indeed a round peg in a round hole.The group further commended the management and Staff of the scheme for the support given to the immediate past Ag Director General Mrs Cristy Uba during the short interregnum that restored stability in the affairs of the scheme " 

"Your appointment is a very timely intervention by Mr President and it is for the ultimate good of the scheme " the council noted.

"While specifically commending the immediate past Ag director general for her services to the nation,  the group advised that civil servants who have demonstrated capacity for higher tasks such as done by the immediate past AG DG should be encouraged to take more responsibility for the greater good of the nation.

"Within a space of three months as Ag director general, alongside with the support of the board and management, total stability was restored in the scheme to prepare the ground for smooth transition as well as effective implementation of the schemes objectives" 

Brig Gen Yushau Dogara comes on the job prepared with a supportive board,an  experienced and reliable management team there is no doubt he would deliver against all odds,the group stated. 

The council further passed a vote of confidence on the Board and Management of the scheme for overseeing a seamless transition while simultaneously executing the policies and programs of the scheme for the greater good of Nigerians"

"We are more than confident that the new Director General will consolidate on the already existing template for development of the scheme in line with the vision and mission as well as the agenda of Mr President for Nigerians. 

The council resolved to initiate avenues to promote and sustain the momentum bequeathed to the scheme by founding fathers and successive managements.

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