Why Julius Atorough Will Represent Vandeikya/Konshisha Federal Constituency Effectively | News Proof



Why Julius Atorough Will Represent Vandeikya/Konshisha Federal Constituency Effectively

By Age Zamani

Hon Julius Aondona Atorough is a visionary and prudent person who has the concomitant of effective leadership to bring the kind of development the people of Vandeikya/Konshisha Federal Constituency of Benue State deserves.

For this kind of development to be felt, he has outlined key areas where his enormous attention will be drawn for effective representation. These areas are: social and infrastructural development, health and sanitation, agricultural value chain intervention, restoration of jechira's economic glory and educational facilities and scholarship.

He is contesting for representative of Vandeikya/Konshisha Federal Constituency on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

William Lee Miller, an American journalist, academic and historian said, "surely part of the moral meaning of representative government is that the representatives from all parts of a vast nation coming together in a great mosaic not only represent the interests and visions of their respective localities but also then learn from each other, affect each other, reason together, diminish their respective provincialisms, and shape something nearer to the common good." Hon Atorough upholds this philosophy and would have constant interaction with members of the House of Representatives to tap from their developmental ideas and replicate them in Vandeikya and Konshisha if elected.

He also believes in the philosophy of Abhijit Naskar, a celebrated neuroscientist and bestselling author of 100 books who said, "representation without accountability is just as undemocratic as taxation without representation." Hon Atorough believes that leaders are supposed to be held accountable. There should be accountability in leadership so that those represented will have confidence in their representatives and continue to give them their unflinching support to represent them more effectively.

Hon. Atorough will enhance development and also take the interests of his constituents very seriously. For this to be achieved, he will establish constituency liaison offices in Vandeikya and Konshisha where he will be able to relate with his constituents more effectively.

The liaison offices will will be incharge of handling correspondence for Hon. Atorough. Constituents who have issues or proposals in various aspects can forward them to the office for review and consideration where necessary.

The liaison offices will also be centres where if he has a message or package for any constituent, such will be sent to the office and those involved would be directed to the office to get their messages or pick up their packages.

Above all, he will present bills to the House of Representatives to make legislation that will bring federal government projects to the constituency.

Vote for Hon. Julius Aondona Atorough so that he will transform Vandeikya/Konshisha Federal Constituency of Benue State.

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