Centre Scores Nominees for NEDC Board High, Calls for Speedy Confirmation by Senate | News Proof



Centre Scores Nominees for NEDC Board High, Calls for Speedy Confirmation by Senate

By Dansu Peter 

The Centre for Social Justice, Equity, and Transparency (CESJET) has hailed President Muhammadu Buhari for nominating distinguished and credible Nigerians to the board of the North-East Development Commission.  

The Centre said it was particularly thrilled with the choices of Bar Barrister Bashir Bukar Ba'ale and Dr. Umar Abubakar Hashidu as Chairman of the Governing Board and the Managing Director respectively. 

In a letter to Senate President Ahmed Lawan and signed by its Executive Secretary, Comrade Isaac Ikpa, CESJET said the pair flaunts an incredible track record of excellence, integrity, and foresight to take the interventionist agency to the next level.

The Centre for Social Justice, Equity, and Transparency, therefore, urged Lawan to expedite action in confirming the nominees without hesitation in the country's best interest.

"We would like to extend our gratitude to the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces over the composition of new governing board members for the NEDC," the letter said. 

"It is indeed a brilliant one with the caliber of nominees, who are credible Nigerians who have distinguished themselves in their various career endeavors. It is indeed a testament to the desire of the President to ensure that there are no leadership gaps in the administration of the NEDC. 

"The choices of the Chairman of the Governing Board and the Managing Director are brilliant. As stakeholders in the reconstruction efforts in North East Nigeria, we are elated and highly endorse that the nominees are persons of strong character and with a penchant for contributing to sustainable growth and development in Nigeria. 

"The Chairman-Designate, Bar Barrister Bashir Bukar Ba'ale, is an astute professional whose track record speaks volumes of selfless service to the country in various capacities, especially at the grass-root level in Yobe State. He comes on board with Masters's Degree in Humanitarian and Refugee Studies and International Humanitarian Law, respectively. 

"His track record also speaks volumes of a man on a mission to serve dutifully and diligently, which is a plus for the sustenance of the operational mandate of the NEDC. We are confident in his suitability for the task ahead. 

"The Managing Director-Designate, Dr. Umar Abubakar Hashidu, is an intellectual and thoroughbred professional whose career trajectory has seen him operate at the strategic management level with tremendous success in the private and public sectors. 

"He comes on board with a rich pedigree that would be instrumental to the success of the NEDC. The Centre for Social Justice, Equity, and Transparency has followed his numerous contributions in service for several years, and we do not doubt his suitability for the job. 

"Dear Senate President, it is indeed a statement of the fact that other nominees are also well-grounded in administrative competence and would bring to bear their expertise and experiences to further the mandate of the NEDC. 

"The necessity of now indicates that as a country, we must strive to bring on board tested and trusted Nigerians burning with passion for making a difference in leadership and governance. That is what the nominees for the governing board of the NEDC represent. 

"The Centre for Social Justice, Equity, and Transparency is glad that the country is getting it right with the present composition of the NEDC governing board members, which would translate to lessons in leadership. 

"We urge the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to expedite action in confirming the nominees without hesitation in the country's best interest of the North East region."

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