Former DG NBC, Professor Idachaba Chart A New Course For Igala Nation | News Proof



Former DG NBC, Professor Idachaba Chart A New Course For Igala Nation

By Abubakar Yusuf

The former Director General, National Broadcasting Commission NBC, Professor Armstrong Idachaba said for the Igala nation to take it's rightful place politically , all hands must be on deck to ensure the Igala nation retrieve it's political fame. 

Professor Armstrong Idachaba bare his mind over the weekend at Anyigba during the presentation of a paper and key note lecture titled "Igala land at a crossroad "at Igala summit held at Igala Unity House on the current political development in Kogi state and Nigeria at large.

The program organised by Igala youth council, according to Professor Idachaba goes beyond convening such a fora , but to develop a genuine template towards redirecting power back to Kogi east with the largest population across the state.

The Summit which was attended by all the Youth associations in Kogi state had youth representatives from all the 9 Local councils in Kogi State.

Professor Armstrong Idachaba who delivered the keynote lecture titled – Igala Land at a cross Road; The Youth Factor stressed the need for Igala youths to harness their God given potentials and take their rightful position in Kogi State.

The communication expert maintained  the need for more orientation and reorientation of the Igala nation, devoid of any affront, but sane democratic norms to return power to Kogi east.

He urged the youths to be the vanguard of the ongoing struggle and discourse, while appealing to all and sundry to key into the desired democratic norms and culture.

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