Group congratulates Tinubu, recommend Stephen Lawani as cabinet member to reposition Nigeria | News Proof



Group congratulates Tinubu, recommend Stephen Lawani as cabinet member to reposition Nigeria

By News Proofs 

The civil society action coalition congratulates the president elect, Asiwaju Bola Ahamed Tinubu on his well deserve victory in the 2023 presidential election. The group also pledge unalloyed support for the incoming administration towards the development of our dear country in Thier own capacity, the group however advise the incoming president to appoint professionals capable of repositioning Nigeria for prosperity such as His excellency chief Stephen Lawani from Benue state.

In a press statement jointly signed by Dr Larry suraju, comrade Ajibade Samuel and comrade obi Lawrence, the group described Chief Stephen Lawani, (OFR), the Ochagwu KI Idoma as a Nigerian with expertised skill in various endeavour with full capacity. 

Lawani was National Deputy chairman of the defunct NRC, he was former Deputy Governor Benue state a one time chairman of fidelity bank, the defunct savannah bank so also manny bank ltd(now defunct) until now he was the state coordinator(Benue) Tinubu shetima 2023. He is a philanthropist and a pan Nigeria, In no doubt he is capable of handling whatever assignment he may be considered to manned in the coming administration and Benue people and Nigeria  at large will also be happy if such a talent and asset is not wasted away during our life time.

The group also thank the outgoing president Gen, muhamadu buhari for his commitment towards successful General election and coming inauguration it pray, that Asiwaju Tinubu has successful tenure of office as the man behind the wheel of a rail called Nigeria.

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