Mama's Demise: Appreciation Message From Dr. Kashim Akor | News Proof



Mama's Demise: Appreciation Message From Dr. Kashim Akor

I would like to use this medium to extend my sincere appreciation to the Management  and Staff of National Productivity Centre and individuals who attended both the burial and 8 day Fidau prayers of my beloved Mother, Hajiya Hadiza Yunusa of Ejegbo, Ankpa, Kogi State who passed away on Saturday, 20th May, 2023. 

On behalf of myself and the family, I would like to most humbly express my heartfelt appreciation for your presence, text messages and phone calls during this very difficult time. 

Your prayers had provided lots of comfort and strength to our family during this time of mourning.

It is never easy to say goodbye to a loved one, but your presence at the burial and 8 day Fidau prayers showed the family that they are not alone in their grief. 

Your kind words, prayers and condolences were deeply appreciated and will always be remembered.

As we bid farewell to Hajjiya Hadiza Yunusa, let us continue to pray for her gentle soul to rest in perfect peace. 

May her memory continue to inspire us to cherish our loved ones and live a life that would make her proud. 

Thank you once again for your love and kindness!

... Dr. Kashim AKOR

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