Adefulire Confers with National Honor | News Proof



Adefulire Confers with National Honor

By Abubakar Yusuf

The Senior Special Assistant to the President on Sustainable Development Goals SSA-SDGs, Princess Adejoke Orelope Adefulire has been confered with National Honor of National Productivity Order of Merit Award NPOM.

This is sequel to a statement issued by the Director General, National Productivity Centre NPC, Dr Nasir Olaitan Raji-Mustapha, stating that the former Deputy Governor of Lagos state made the list over 60 awardees for 2023.

Princess Adejoke Orelope Adefulire was been honored over her giant strides in the realization of the UN SDGs goals and decade of action agenda through domestication and the provision of economic, social and empowerment to ordinary Nigerians.

The workaholic presidential aide had in the last seven years and towards the twilight of the Buhari administration engaged in the massive construction and commissioning of Health and Education facilities across the country, also provided relief through interventions, capacity building, empowerment and entrepreneurial development through engagements of both women among many others.

The awardee will be confered with the honor on 5th, June , 2023 at the National Productivity Centre NPC headquarters, Abuja

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