NASC Raises Taskforce On Legislative Aides Management For The 10th National Assembly | News Proof



NASC Raises Taskforce On Legislative Aides Management For The 10th National Assembly

By Abubakar Yusuf

Preparatory to the inauguration of the 10th National Assembly on Tuesday 13th June, 2023, the National Assembly Service Commission has set up a taskforce to handle the screening and documentation of Legislative Aides for incoming Senators and Members of the House of Representatives.
Inaugurating the taskforce at the Conference Room of the Commission, the Executive Chairman of the Commission, Engr Ahmed Kadi Amshi charged members of the taskforce to work out modalities for a smooth and seamless documentation of the aides.

He explained that the team was raised ahead of the inauguration to enable the Commission to work out modalities for efficient and effective handling of the assignment so as to avoid being under pressure due to an imminent deluge of requests by new lawmakers for documentation of their aides.
More than 2,000 Legislative Aides are expected to work with the incoming lawmakers. Each lawmaker  would have five aides assisting them in their legislative work.

Amshi further explains, " We have a huge task ahead. We expect a rush immediately after the inauguration. So, we need to prepare in time so that we don't make mistakes during the rush by the legislators to have their aides documented. We don't want to be caught unprepared".
He enjoined the team to diligently study the Reviewed Guidelines on Appointment and Management of Legislative Aides for Senators and Members of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly (2023) in order to master and apply it's requirements appropriately.

The Chairman of the Committee on Zonal Offices and Legislative Aides, Chief Francis Atanomeyovwi and the Secretary to the Commission, Mr Ikharo L.U;  also admonished them on the need to be diligent, dedicated and hardworking in discharging the assignment.
Some Heads of Department also spoke on the nitty gritty of Legislative Aides screening and documentation as well as ethical conduct in public service.

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