NASC Scribe Awarded Fellowship Of Human Development Body | News Proof



NASC Scribe Awarded Fellowship Of Human Development Body

By Abubakar Yusuf

The Secretary to the National Assembly Service Commission, Mr Ikharo,L.U. is now a Fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Training and Development (NITAD).
Mr Ikharo was recently conferred with the prestigious fellowship by the Institute in recognition of his numerous contributions to manpower development in the country.

Dr Bulus James, the 1st Vice President of the Institute  presented the award to the NASC Scribe on behalf of the Institute's President/Chairman of  Council, Mrs Ayoade A. Igbeyi. 

"On behalf of the Governing Council of Nigerian Institute of Training and Development (NITAD),  I write to acknowledge your contributions to the practice of Learning and Development in Nigeria over the years. It is in recognition of this fact that the Governing Council has approved the recommendation of the Board of Fellows to confer on you the Institute's highest grade of FELLOW (FITD)", she explained.

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