Prof. Sulaiman Extends Condolences To Emir Of Patigi Following Tragic Loss Of Lives In Boat Mishap | News Proof



Prof. Sulaiman Extends Condolences To Emir Of Patigi Following Tragic Loss Of Lives In Boat Mishap

By Abubakar Yusuf

The Director General, National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies, (NILDS), Professor Abubakar Olarenwaju Sulaiman has expressed sympathy to the Emir of Patigi, Alhaji Chatta Umar Boligi and the people of Patigi local government on the boat mishap.

Professor Abubakar Olarenwaju Sulaiman in a statement signed on Sunday and made available to the media prayed to Almighty Allah to grant the souls of the victims forgiveness and the families, entire community the strength to bear the loss.

"In these trying and grieving times, I would like to express my deepest sympathy to the Emir of Patigi, Alhaji Ibrahim Chatta Umar Boligi II and the residents of Patigi Local Government Area in Kwara State. We mourn the tragic incident of the recent boat capsizing, which occurred just a week ago, resulting in the loss of over a hundred lives."

"I beseech Almighty Allah to grant forgiveness to the souls involved and provide their families and the entire community with the strength to endure this profound loss."

"Furthermore, I urge the government to take immediate and thorough action in investigating the cause of this unfortunate incident. It is crucial to implement adequate and necessary measures to prevent similar occurrences in the future."

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