Senator Akpabio: An Uncommon Governor, Uncommon Minister And Uncommon Senator | News Proof



Senator Akpabio: An Uncommon Governor, Uncommon Minister And Uncommon Senator

By Abubakar Yusuf

Distinguished Senator Godswill Akpabio, a ranking Senator whose first sojourn to the Senatorial slot from Akwa ibom state was in the 8th Senate between 2016-2019 made alot of remarkable achievements not only to the constituents, but all and sundry during his stint at the National Assembly.

Before then, His Excellency, Obong Godswill Akpabio institutionalised  unequaled development in the lives of not only the people of Akwai ibom state, but open up a new chapter that became a rallying template before the entire Niger- Delta states, that was later replicated across the South- South geopolitical zone.

It is an unbroken record that between 2011-2015 and 2015-2019, Senator Akpabio had transformed the entire facets, length and breath of Akwa ibom state to a standard that competed favourably with the international best practices in the area of economic, social, political, infrastructural and employment as well as engagement outlets for both entrepreneurial, capacity building, skill development and acquisition along with huge investors and investments that thrived in all ramifications.

He invested hugely in both human capital development that saw the young Akwai ibom state ahead of it's mother state of Cross River State, a model to be reckoned with in all areas 

With his eight years strides, Senator Akpabio planted a robust legacy that kick-started a well thought out foundation for the development of not only Akwa ibom state, but the entire geopolitical zone.

Little or no doubt, subsequent leadership at the state level from rye South -South geopolitical zone had challenged themselves not only to upscale their developmental strides, but to equate Akwa ibom standard of quality and unreserved development of the state without recourse to federal allocations , but a rejigged Internally Generated Revenue IGR profile of the state, that was at top roof within the eight years life span of his administration.

Having laid down a solid foundation for a subsequent synergy and continuity in the oil state, Senator Akpabio won the Akwa ibom North-West  Senatorial seat to represent his good people in 2016, were provision of constituency projects through empowerment, oversight functions, plenary and presentation of bills and contributions to motions was very crucial to his people.

Between 2016-2019 in the live of the 8th Senate that was glaringly at cross purpose with the Executive arm of government, he contributed to the progress and stability of the leadership and the Assembly.

With indepth knowledge in administration over the years, the business of legislation became more easier at that level as he contributed in earnest to the development of his constituency and by extension the entire nation.

Akpabio was appointed a Minister of Niger Delta in 2019 soon after the constitution of the new federal executive council were he ensured uneven development, resolution of lingering NDDC management and board, along many other programs meant for the development of Niger-Delta region.

He intensified several projects of the federal government targeted at improving the lives of the Niger- Deltans especially on the Ogoni clean up, resolved in agreement with the Executive the benefits of the host communities in the newly enacted Petroleum Industry Act PIA, part of his brainchild at the 8th Senate when the Petroleum Industry Bill PIB was mooted.

With these giant strides and ranking advantage along with verse administrative and legislative exposure, rare in the previous leadership since 1999, no doubt the choice of the Senate President both by the new incoming and returning members along the party leadership and stakeholders will incontrovertibly drive the desired leadership at the Senate to eldorado.

All hands must be on deck not only to support his aspirations but the highly favored incoming Senate President, Distinguished Senator Godswill Akpabio, so as to take the nation's legislative arm of government to more greater heights in all areas.

He is already tested and trusted in all areas, all hands must be on deck to join him to deploy his wealth of experience garnered over the years to the betterment of our father land and Nigeria at large.

With him at the mantle of leadership at the legislative arm of government, the budget circle of January to December, the harmonious coexistence between the Executive and Legislators will impact greatly on the lives of ordinary Nigerians.

Yusuf Writes from Abuja and can be reached on [email protected].

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