BIRS Chairman Attends Workshop On Integrated Revenue Management System By SOFTNET | News Proof



BIRS Chairman Attends Workshop On Integrated Revenue Management System By SOFTNET

By Jacintha Benard

The Acting Chairman, Benue State Internal Revenue Service, attended a workshop yesterday that introduced Benue State Intergrated Revenue Management System organised by Softnet Limited, a Contractor of  Benue State Internal Revenue Service at the Banquet Hall, Benue State Government House.

The Director, Softnet limited Mr. Patrick Chukwuma  introduced a New Portal for processing payments for ministries, Departments and Agencies. According to him, The System is an automation that support mobile phones, desktops and laptops for seamless transactions. 

The chairman, Mr Emmanuel Agema stated that the Innovation was aimed at reducing physical handling of cash by revenue collectors and enhancing real time payment processes at MDAs. 

In a bid to increase the revenue of the state, Agema is utilizing great technological innovative Strategies to ensure smooth transactions for Ministries, Departments and Agencies.
With this new innovation, individuals who wish to pay taxes, collect receipts and other documents  can do so from the comfort of their homes.

Jacintha Benard is the
Media Assistant to the Chairman, BIRS.

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