Centre Charges Government Establishments On Training And Retraining | News Proof



Centre Charges Government Establishments On Training And Retraining

By Abubakar Audu

The Director General, National Productivity Centre Dr. Nasir Olaitan  Raji-Mustapha said the need for constant improvement will provide an enabling environment for staffs of government agencies on both personal and official development.

 Dr Raji dropped this observation on Tuesday at the opening ceremony of a 3-Day Training Organized by PCB Department of the centre for ICPC Management Staff. 

The training targeted at the deputy directors of the agency participating in both the physical and virtual training on the theme;  "High Impact Leadership for Enhanced Organizational Performance and Improved Productivity", 
Holding at ICPC Auditorium Headquarters, Abuja.

In another development, the Kwara State Productivity Committee is organizing a MINI SUMMIT on the Productivity Agenda for the newly formed government.

The program holding in the state capital will hold simultaneously on the September 12.

In a message at the occasion, Dr Nasir Raji commended the unique efforts of state offices towards providing the needed service across the country.

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