Meet Olivia Bentley, a sex therapist who rescues marriages by sleeping with troubled clients | News Proof



Meet Olivia Bentley, a sex therapist who rescues marriages by sleeping with troubled clients

By Dansu Peter 

Olivia Bentley is a 46-year-old sex therapist from Boise, Idaho, in the United States. Olivia, however, is not your typical therapist; she infuses her work with a distinctive perspective that is creating a stir in the intimacy and relationship communities.

Olivia, who has been in the sex industry for 15 years, told the New York Post that she uses her wealth of knowledge and experience to save countless marriages.

Her unorthodox methods include offering emotional support, hosting intimate one-to-three-hour sessions where she imparts saucy tips, and, believe it or not, even jumping into bed with clients for some hands-on education.

While some may raise their eyebrows at her methods, Olivia claims to have saved hundreds of marriages with her sex therapy. One of the key elements of Olivia’s philosophy is that it’s “unfair” for women to get married and neglect their husbands’ sexual needs

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