George Weah: Golden Words Of An Icon, by Richard Odusanya | News Proof



George Weah: Golden Words Of An Icon, by Richard Odusanya

By Richard Odusanya
“‘Under my leadership, these elections were organized with a promise to the Liberian people – a promise of fairness, transparency, and credibility. I am proud to say that, for the most part, we have fulfilled that promise. The Liberian people have spoken, and their choice will be honored and obeyed.’

“At this juncture, I would like to congratulate the National Elections Commission for a job well done. You have earned the respect of all Liberians, our foreign partners, international observers, and the world at large for completing this difficult task to the satisfaction of all stakeholders, including the contesting parties,”

These are part of the golden words of President George Weah, an African icon worthy of emulation. With the example of the Liberian election and the reactions trailing the outcome. It has become imperative for us to begin a new journey in the continent of Africa; a journey that signposted the beginning of a new era, a new dawn and a clear departure from the  inglorious past where elections in many of our countries in the continent is a "Do or die" affairs.

Weah is Liberia's 25th president after taking over from Ellen Johnson Sirleaf who had maintained a peace desperately needed after a war that killed an estimated quarter of a million people. The current president, and a global icon defeated same Johnson-Sirleaf’s vice president, Joseph Boakai who is now the President-elect after a narrow margin difference between the two gladiators.

The Liberian President, entered politics after a career as an international footballer that saw him become the only African to win the game’s most prestigious individual award and do stints at top clubs including Paris Saint-Germain, AC Milan and Chelsea. He remains the only African, the only player outside of Europe, Brazil, or Argentina, to have won the Ballon d'Or.

Flowing from the above, events in Liberia, aftermath of the presidential election is a catalyst for transformation in Africa. With the examples of Liberia and some other democracies in Africa, the era of "Do or die" is gone for good. As such, Africa may not be a country. But it is more than a continent. Therefore, it is a clear demonstration of a new era of doing things with a mindset of selflessness.

The soon-to-be former President George Manneh Oppong Weah exemplified great leadership of selflessness by ensuring credible election under his watch. The truth is that, in Nigeria for example, INEC is still struggling to wear a toga of "credibility". So a country like Nigeria should learn from Liberia's NEC and its people's "mature" attitude  towards elections.

Therefore, as we continue to reflect on the benefits of the political stability that engenders good governance and prosperity. It is important to note that, this is an historical moment, Africa have entered the "Golden era" Nations of the beautiful continent of Africa need to sustain the tempo and maintain political stability and security so as to attract more investors to commit capital into their economies. 

Sadly, in the recent past, political stability has proved seemingly unachievable in Africa. For centuries, Africa has been the symbol of election rigging, proverty, corruption, famine and every other terrible things in this world, now history told us Africa was where civilization started (origin) but unfortunately we are practically still primitive. In Africa, it is I, myself and I. This is part of the reasons why as people, we are not making progress.

In conclusion, permit me to share with us a simple yet powerful Moroccan proverb that reads, “there is no beauty but the beauty of action” is one we're sure will resonate with Global Citizens everywhere. Thoughts and words may be enticing but it is our actions that hold the real reward. Our actions have the power to change the world around us and inspire others in our lives to get up and take action too.

Finally, by way of dedicating this article, i salute the courage of our African hero, George Manneh Oppong Weah and the good people of Republic of Liberia. 

Richard Odusanya

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