Benue group cautions against campaign of calumny against SGF, Akume | News Proof



Benue group cautions against campaign of calumny against SGF, Akume

By Dansu Peter 

The Benue Develoment Forum BDF has cautioned against continous campaign of calumny against the Secretary to the Government of the Federation,  Senator George Akume. 

The BDF President,  Terrence Kuanum in a statement said the group is worried over sponsored media attacks which seems to be targeted at the person of the Secretary to the  Government of the Federation.

He said the group  feels that the sponsor(s) of those outings which has take off on a faulty note,attacking the person of the SGF and calling him names without provocation is a harbinger of more things in our dear state 

"The Forum observes that it is unfortunate and uncharitable for anybody to be militant and combative to someone who has dedicated his public service career in playing a fatherly role to all Benue indigenes anytime he has the opportunity.

The Forum is concerned that resorting to character assassination ,axe grinding,hasty generalizations,outright falsehood and defamation against his person at the time the State has been recognized at the national level is what an act to be condemned by all.

"The Forum wonders the mission of one Solomon Semaka and his co-travelers who despite  not being members of the All progressive Congress should involve themselves in the internal issues of the party in a manner that case aspersions on the personality of a respected party leader like the SGF.

"It is therefore imperative for the BDF to raise its voice against the continuous operations of such characters within the system.

"The Forum is not in any way discouraging people from expressing their fundamental human rights but should be guided by decent conversations and opinions that are constructive to help our leaders.But it would not encourage the campaign of calumny and blackmail.

"The political atmosphere in the state is not really calm as the sitting Governor and his party are at loggerhead over sensitive objectives of the party and adding such unsavory comments has further degenerated the situation.That is not the situation we desire in our state at the movement" he said

The  group further urged  Governor Hyceinth  Alia and his supporters to embrace peace and shun acts capable of eliciting counter reactions and engendering the peace in the State.

The BDF urged ecurity agencies and other relevant stakeholders should rise to the challenge of ensuring that the deliberate move by some individuals and groups to create unnecessary acrimony in the state are checked before the situation degenerates into a monster that shall be difficult to tame.

"The BDF equally cautions youths in the state to be wary of those who will wish to offer them outrightly shun gratifications that could push them into causing chaos in the Benue.

"As a non-partisan group,the Benue Development Forum shall continue to caution against developments that are inimical to peace and tranquility in the state at all times.Benue is ours to collectively build and preserve for future generations" he said

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