Clarification On Recent Fire Incident At Federal Secretariat Phase II | News Proof



Clarification On Recent Fire Incident At Federal Secretariat Phase II

The Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Sustainable Development Goals (OSSAP-SDGs) wishes to address concerns arising from the recent fire incident at the Federal Secretariat Phase II, which affected the utility section, Block C of the Head of Service Building.
OSSAP-SDGs wishes to express its gratitude to the public for their concern over the unfortunate incident and also assure that none of the offices or documents of the Office were affected by the fire incident that occurred in the utility section of Block C of the Head of Service of the Federation Building. The fire incident primarily impacted utility rooms designated and specifically used for inverter batteries.
Our dedicated team and other occupants of the Building worked in tandem with the fire services to swiftly extinguish the fire, minimizing any potential damage. We want to reassure the public that all critical operations and documents of OSSAP-SDGs remain intact and secure.
We appreciate the swift response of the fire services and commend their professionalism in containing the incident promptly. OSSAP-SDGs remains committed to its mission and will continue to work diligently towards the realization of sustainable development goals for a prosperous and resilient future.
Desmond Utomwen
SA Media, (OSSAP-SDGs)

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