Forget Money, here is real reason I love Grand P - Ivorian model, Eudoxie | News Proof



Forget Money, here is real reason I love Grand P - Ivorian model, Eudoxie

By Dansu Peter 

Eudoxie, a voluptuous lady once described as Africa's Kim Kardashian, and Grand P, a diminutive figure, became a social media sensation when news surfaced that they were dating.

While many brushed it off as a move to catch attention, the two have held themselves as a couple until now.

When asked for the reasons why she decided to be in a relationship with Grand P, the Eudoxie denied suggestions that she was following Grand P for his money.

According to the Ivorian model, even though she likes Grand P for his big heart and kindness, she is not with him because of his money. She insisted that it is true love she has for him.

"I've been approached by so many big people but I'm not influenced by the money, I'm rather influenced by his attitude, the way he was is the reason whtwhI'm still with him," she said through an intepretor.

Credit : YEN

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