Having Feelings For Your Ex-Lover In Marriage: Women In Perspective | News Proof



Having Feelings For Your Ex-Lover In Marriage: Women In Perspective

By Terfa Naswem

When a woman has dated many men and had memorable moments with them, such memories can have devastating effects on her marriage if she lacks absolute self-discipline or the fear of God Almighty.

Some women got married not because they really love the men they got married to. Since the person they genuinely love wasn't ready and wasn't serious, they decided to marry the available person because time was no longer on their side. Some got married to certain men because of their wealth but do not have any iota of love for them. After the marriage took place, their hearts are still with the people they genuinely love.

Many women are guilty of this. They are married, but they still have enormous feelings for one or more of the men they once dated. They are finding it extremely difficult to resolve their feelings for them which is affecting their marriage.

The truth is that feelings of love are not easily resolved, especially when there was no conflict before the breakup. When such breakup is done amicably, the feelings might take a very long time to be resolved.

How do you expect a woman to easily forget about a man she dated for 5 years or more after she got married to a man she just dated for 3 months or a year? For many women, it takes time for such feelings to fade away. But this to a very large extent depends on how the husband treats her. 

Some women reignite memories of the good moments they had with their ex-lover (s) when they are maltreated my their husbands: they begin to miss the adorable and affectionate treatments they received from their ex-lover (s) and the good moments they had.

This is one of the reasons why some married women cheat on their husbands. They don't cheat on their husbands with new people but with those they once dated and had deep rooted intimacy. And as it continues, in most cases, destroys the marriage.

When a woman marries a man who is not giving her the happiness and sexual satisfaction she used to get from those she once dated, the memories of such sexual pleasures she had which her husband doesn't give her will resound in her head; the romantic moments they had which her husband doesn't do will resound in her head; the way the people she once dated made her laugh which her husband doesn't do brings the memories back and so on.

These feelings are the things most women are facing in their marriages. The reason why despite all these, many women have refused to cheat on their husbands is because of their high level of self-discipline or the fear of God Almighty.

For many women, once they are married, everything they had with those they dated before becomes history irrespective of how they are treated by their husbands. For others, the affairs continue even after marriage whether their husbands treat them right or not.

A woman must not necessarily have the fear of God to be faithful to her husband. There are many women who are not believers or religious, but they have never cheated on their husbands as a matter of principle to them irrespective of any factor. This is where high level of self-discipline comes in.

If you are married to a self-discipline or God fearing woman, please respect and adore her with all your heart because marriage is another battlefield and she is fighting so many silent battles to remain faithful to you.

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