Gov. Alia: A Man After The Hearts Of Benue People | News Proof



Gov. Alia: A Man After The Hearts Of Benue People

By Terfa Naswem

The Bible says that David served God's purpose in his generation (Acts. 13:36). One of the important reasons why God called David a man after His own heart is that he was always willing to do His will and fulfil his desires (Acts. 13:22). David devoted his life to fulfilling God's purposes on earth.

The Executive Governor of Benue State, Rev. Fr. Dr. Hyacinth Iormem Alia is the 'David' of the good people of Benue State. Alia is a man after the hearts of Benue people for bringing hope to their despair and working towards repositioning Benue State for the common good. They are happy with him because he is fulfilling their desires. He has devoted his life to put smiles on the faces of the good people of Benue State against all odds.

Their penchant for Alia has been rekindled by his tenacity to reposition Benue State and his relentlessness in the payment of salaries, pensions and gratuities including his numerous ongoing projects and those to come in the near future.

Most of them affirmed that if not for Alia, they won't have known that it is possible for a governor to pay salaries and pensions even when federal allocation hasn't been received. They said the former governor of Benue State, Samuel Ortom egregious denial of the rights of Benue civil servants and pensioners made him to ignore them under the pretence that there was no money to meet up with such payments even after he borrowed so much money and couldn't execute projects or perform activities that were commensurate to the money borrowed including the ones from other sources.

The euphoria of the good people of Benue State for the momentous impact Alia has made so far is on a very high 'frequency' and are not ready to allow any force to cut it short through any propaganda.

Gov. Alia has the leadership acumen and the alacrity required to pull Benue State out of the dungeon of negligence of the people and underdevelopment. His enthusiasm for Benue State to become one of the best states in Nigeria can never be waned but will continue to rise through the realm of unending ideas for development and progressiveness.

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