Easter; Board of Advisers, Igala Youth Assembly Rejoices With Federal Lawmaker, Paschal Agbodike PHD | News Proof



Easter; Board of Advisers, Igala Youth Assembly Rejoices With Federal Lawmaker, Paschal Agbodike PHD

The Board of Advisers, Igala Youth Assembly, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, panel of partons and matrons, members of the Assembly under the auspices of Middle belt youth forum, Kogi state chapter and the entire N-HYPPADEC areas of kogi east has felicitated with the Federal Lawmaker, and Chairman House committee on N-HYPPADEC, Rt Honorable Paschal Agbodike PHD on the occasion of Easter celebration.

A statement released by the body's President, Sam Attah Idoko wished the representative of the Nigeria's House of Representatives in ECOWAS parliament and Secretary Southern Nigeria House of Representatives forum in the 10th National Assembly,  prayed for Gods guidance and protection as he pilot the affairs of his constituency and Nigeria at large.

"The Mmiri-Oma Ihiala antecedents and precedents through display of exemplary leadership qualities, wisdom, and unusual commitment to the welfare of your constituents both at home and in the diaspora , no doubt has placed you in a vantage position." He stated.

While wishing you many more years of Easter celebration and other celebrations, we prayed for happiness, joy , abundant blessings, good health and strength to continue to navigate the good paths ahead .

"Celebrating a political icon of our time
On behalf of the Board of Trustees (BOT) Board of Advisers(BOA)Panel of Patrons and Matrons,Members of the Igala Youth Assembly under the Auspices of the Middle belt Youth Forum Kogi State Chapter and the entire over 103 Host Communities of N-HYPPADEC areas of Kogi East."

"Today,I Join all other well Wishers to Celebrate with a political leader, a former deputy majority leader of Anambra state House Assembly, former deputy speaker of Anambra State House of Assembly, Member House of Representatives (MHR) Representing the good people of ihiala federal constituency of Anambra State, Chairman House committee on National--Hydro Electric Power Producing Areas Development Commission (N-HYPPADEC), Representative of Nigeria House of Representative in ECOWAS Parliament and Secretary Southern Nigeria House of Representatives Forum in the 10th National Assembly,Abuja.
RT HON PASCHAL AGBODIKE Ph.D (Mmiri-Oma Ihiala) on his Birthday."

You have consistently displayed Exemplary Leadership qualities,Wisdom and Unusual Commitment to the Welfare of your Constituents, Home and "Diaspora."

"May your Special day Filled with Joy, Happiness,Abundant blessings,good health and strength to Navigate Paths ahead.
Congratulations sir."

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