How to correct your wrong name, date of birth, others on your NIN using the NIMC mobile app | News Proof



How to correct your wrong name, date of birth, others on your NIN using the NIMC mobile app

The National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) has unveiled a mobile application for Nigerians to modify their data on the National Identification Number (NIN).

With this new app, Nigerians can now make corrections to their name, date of birth, phone numbers on their NIN profile.

Before now, Nigerians who wanted to modify their data on NIN have had to go through a difficult process, besieging NIMC’s offices nationwide

Log on to

Click on Register if you don’t have an account

Click on login if you already have an account

After login, you will be requested to provide your NIN, last name and email address

After providing the above, the data modification channel will be accessible

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