Kadi; Impacting A Lasting Legacy In Public Service | News Proof



Kadi; Impacting A Lasting Legacy In Public Service

By Abubakar Yusuf 

Four years down the line , the National Assembly Service Commission NASC under the leadership of Engr Ahmed Kadi Amshi FNSE along with his commissioners will hold their head high,  having taken some major decisions that had transformed the commission from mere oversight of the National Assembly Management activities to actions, that had direct bearing on the commission/ management of NASS.

With these improvement that spread across infrastructural development, managerial expansion, capacity building, staff welfare and innovative action, no doubt, staffers of the commission have heave a sigh of relief through job satisfaction, social upliftment and economic satisfaction.

Having built a robust image from the public service both at state, private and federal level , in conjunction with a well articulated team of National commissioners from the six geopolitical zones, the collective decisions of the commission in the last four years will be living an indelible mark on the commission.

Engr Kadi and his team of commissioners had provided an enabling environment for seamless on the job growth for workers through encouragement, constant training and payment of entitlements as at when due.

The cordial relationship between the management of the commission/ National Assembly staffers had improved tremendously, as staff welfare among other benefits had been regularized.

Promotions and appointment were no longer delayed, as backlog of promotions inherited four years ago was resolved by the Ahmed Kadi Amshi led leadership of the commission.

The yearly and constant training and retraining of staff through capacity building has been prioritized, as training and development of staff had become a prerequisite to on the job assessment and promotions.

The commission had exhibited transparency, diligence and accountability as it's watchword from all it's activities and ramifications.

Directorates and departments had been created to accommodate more ideas, staff and ensure synergy between department and others within the commission.

At inception four years ago, and worried by the inadequate office accomodation , rent payment running into millions and abandoned office accomodation at the National Assembly, the commission embarked on the Multi Billion office accomodation project with 90% completion, and due for commissioning before the end of the year.

The idea muted in the 9th Assembly was originally slated for commissioning in the life of the Assembly, but for other structural delay, as the commission new office and proximity to the National Assembly premises will ease both administrative and other functions of the commission and National Assembly.

With the on going building of the new office complex at three arms zone, the commission will be saving Billions due for payment of rent in subsequent years.

Kadi's technocratic and bureacratic Ideas along with other exposures with his National commissioners had brought a new leaf to the National Assembly Service Commission were hardwork, diligence and discipline had been the hallmark of it's activities.

No doubt, four years down the line, the usual altercations between staff and management of the commission/ National Assembly had become a thing of the past owing to leadership with not only human face, but administrative wisdom and maturity.

Having impacted indepthly on the commission and National Assembly staff, and legislative aides, the job of federal lawmakers both at the Senate and House of Representatives both at the plenary, oversight, committees and special assignments in all areas of the National Assembly and other parts of the country had been simplified.

With the new commission under the leadership of Engr Ahmed Kadi Amshi FNSE and his commissioners, it is obvious that the commission will continue to deliver on its mandate going forward to support the legislative arm of government to serve the country better.

Written By ABUBAKAR YUSUF on [email protected].

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