Prof Kohol Iornem Advances Tiv Unity And Heritage At The 2024 Cambridge African Conference | News Proof



Prof Kohol Iornem Advances Tiv Unity And Heritage At The 2024 Cambridge African Conference

---- Receives Award of Excellence

By Akosu Emmanuel

Renowned Benue-born UK-based  scholar and  humanitarian , Prof Kohol Shadrach Iornem has continued to speak on the unity,  cultural heritage and common brotherhood of the Tiv people as a panacea  towards safeguarding the welfare and protection of their land and people. 

The African Society of Cambridge University in a letter of invitation sent to Professor Iornem, stated that they invited him as a Keynote  Speaker on the conference theme in recognition of his scholarly contributions to academia and his selfless contributions in promoting and enhancing the socio-eonomic interest of the Tiv people both at home and globally. 

Iornem spoke on the theme: “Ayatutu Ka Uno: A Decade of Interconnectedness and Growth” and how Africa can benchmark the Ayatutu  model to aid growth and development while focusing on the sub-themes "Education, Development and Community". 

Prof Kohol Iornem identified leadership failure , elitists conspiracy,  cultural extinction, corruption and greed as the bane for growth and development of Tiv Nation. He called on the Tiv scholars, the elites, traditional and political leaders to work harmoniously in the overall interest of the people.

Iornem said, a divided Tiv Nation cannot tackle the common enemy, the killer herders, who are ravaging and taking over the ancestral lands of the Tiv farmers . He urged the Tiv nation to return to the Ayatutu spirit of brotherhood to be able to take back control of their land and resources. 

He stated that the situation where helpless Tiv farmers and their families are littered all over IDP Camps having fled their ancestral homes because of killer herdsmen, was antithetical to the Tiv culture and heritage. Iornem called on the Tiv people at home and in the diaspora to embrace the Ayatutu spirit of 'one for all, all for one, especially in the face of danger.  

Prof Kohol Iornem is the Founder of the Mzehemen u Tiv Foundation as well as the Menroi Foundation,  both organisations work to create  socio-eonomic opportunities where the less privilege in rural communities can thrive. 

The immediate past President  Mzough U Tiv in the United Kingdom (MUTUK) was also honored with the Award of Excellence by the African Society of Cambridge University in recognition of his exceptional contribution as a Keynote Speaker at the Cambridge Africa Conference 2024.

Iornem was accompanied by Rev Malcolm Orkar and Miss Doomshima Sughnen to the Cambridge event.

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