Alhaji Alhaji: The Man Of The People | News Proof



Alhaji Alhaji: The Man Of The People

By Josiah Amedu

I write this as a testimony of the person and character of Alhaji Alhaji whose political trajectory is that of honesty, humility and most importantly accessibility to all and sundry. 

That is why his reappointment as the Secretary to Idah Local Government Council is a square peg in a square hole.

It was not surprising when there was jubilation across the length and breath of Idah town and the entire Kogi east of his reappointment earlier today, Monday, 8th July, 2024.

Alhaji Alhaji is someone who does not discriminate  in any form. One of his greatest assets is his ability to carry along everyone and anyone around him in the course of his political elevation. 

No wonder, any time he moves towards a particular candidate or party, hordes of people will switch allegiance towards that direction. That is leadership. That is magnanimity. That is generosity. That is evidence of good character. That is the essence of holding public office. 

It is on this note I express my own gratitude to His Excellency, Alhaji Usman Ododo and his deputy, Comrade Joel Oyibo for identifying this political icon whose generosity is legendary and always willing to give his all to humanity. 

As he begins another term of six months today as Secretary to Idah Local Government Council, i pray for his continous political uplift as people around him will continue to get better as a result of his selflessness.

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