Community Intelligence Collaboration: Gov. Alia Can't Effectively Fight Insecurity In Benue Without Community Cooperation | News Proof

Community Intelligence Collaboration: Gov. Alia Can't Effectively Fight Insecurity In Benue Without Community Cooperation

By Terfa Naswem 

The level of insecurity in Benue State shows that it has reached a complex state where so many factors are orchestrating them along political, religious and intra-tribal lines including the fight for supremacy.

Security agencies can't come on social media to expose their strategies in tackling insecurity. The enemies are always prepared to infiltrate security agencies and truncate their plans to make them appear ineffective. So certain security strategies are kept as top secret.

One of the problems that breed insecurity is disunity. When a particular community is living in disunity, perpetrators of evil can easily find their way through to unleash mayhem on innocent lives.

As a result, when attacks are planned to be carried out, certain members of the community get first hand information of the planned attacks but refuse to report to security agencies to avert them. In some cases, security agencies will get Intel on the hideouts or current locations of the perpetrators of evil but on heading to such places, some members of the community who have brothers or friends in such groups will call them to inform them of security agencies' movement towards their territories so that they will change locations or be well prepared to ambush them.

It is extremely difficult for outsiders to enter into any community and unleash mayhem without the knowledge or cooperation of some members of such a community. It is only in rare situations that attacks happen without any community member being involved.

Even if an entire military barrack is taken to any violent community, if community members don't want peace, military presence can't stop attacks but can only reduce their occurrences.

The Executive Governor of Benue State, Rev. Fr. Dr. Hyacinth Iormem Alia needs community intelligence collaboration to deal with perpetrators of evil. Some members of some communities will welcome and harbour these perpetrators of evil to unleash mayhem on their fellow community members for various selfish reasons. Security agencies can't be everywhere. Where the community refuses to cooperate in intelligence sharing, security agencies become handicap to tackle insecurity effectively.

Some community members, for political reasons are supporting the attacks to continue to happen so that they can be consistently used to discredit Alia's administration, not minding the innocent lives lost in the attacks.

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