How UBEC Is Prioritizing Bilingual Education In Nigeria | News Proof



How UBEC Is Prioritizing Bilingual Education In Nigeria

By Abubakar Yusuf 

The Universal Basic Education Commission UBEC has developed another approach for Bilingual Education through a proposed comprehensive review of the curriculum and redressing it to "Smart" curriculum.

The development has led to the expansion of not only the scope, but approach that will galvanize the new order capable of deploying new curriculum for Bilingual Education across the country, with a view to enhancing Basic Education in the country.

The fall out will be the acquaintance of two basic knowledge and approach to bilingual education which will become seamless.

Since bilingual education and development of the curriculum will leverage on double approach and experience on the part of basic education learners , the need to rejig the format through inculcation of "smart" education curriculum cannot be overemphasized.

With the new approach, the Universal Basic Education Commission UBEC has rolled out a systematic format with a view to training through workshops, talk shops, seminars  and symposium to brainstorm on the new template by experts to chart a new way to perfect the development of the new "Smart" Bilingual Education curriculum.

The unique Bilingual Education schools scheduled to debut in nine focal states which encompasses the six geopolitical zones will be concentrated on the improvement of 7M designated for ECCDE and 47M primary school level pupils.

The new "Smart" curriculum of Bilingual Education in line with Tsangaya and National curriculum template was capable of driving effectiveness and efficiency in line with the global best practices.

Having achieved this , no doubt the new curriculum for Bilingual Education tagged "Smart " will create access to improved quality Basic Education in accordance with the provision of SDGs.

With the proposed curriculum review "Smart " in nature and Bilingual Education in format and practice, it is capable of enhancing the management capacity and school administration.

Having solidified and repositioned experts and professionals charged with inculcating the new program, with provision of needed equipment, it is obvious that the reviewed curriculum "smart" Bilingual Education will resolve pending issues.

With double advantage of learning two languages both at the conventional and non conventional ones, along with provision of adequate infrastructure, which included manpower and equipment support, the new "Smart "curriculum will address other salient issues .

UBEC on its part had mobilized adequate funding nd supports both from local and international support agencies, it is obvious that the initial 30 bilingual building schools spread across nine focal states as pilot scheme, will gradually spread across the country.

With the nomenclature "Smart " curriculum and bilingual education, its development will address and improve dual advantage that is bound to address Basic Education for learners in Nigeria.

ABUBAKAR YUSUF Writes on [email protected].

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