Nevkaa Charges Graduands To Be Good Ambassadors Of Alma Mater | News Proof



Nevkaa Charges Graduands To Be Good Ambassadors Of Alma Mater

By Animondo Emmanuel Doosha 

The Principal Special Assistant to Benue State Governor on Youth and Student Affairs, Hon Comr Nevkaa Jacob Ter has charged graduands and students to practice the moral and academic lessons they acquired during studies in the institution.

Hon. Nevkaa gave this charge yesterday during the 37th graduation, Speech and Prize-giving Day ceremony of St. John's Secondary School Gboko at the school premises.

The PSA tasked graduands to remember the moral and academic lessons they learnt and use it to be good ambassadors of the institution adding that the society is looking up to them.

Comrade Nevkaa while donating a  cash prize to Terver Jerome, the Best in Mathematics from the graduating class, urged the  students to take advantage of the education friendly environment created by the governor of Benue State, Rev Fr. Dr Hyacinth Iormem Alia and further their education.  He finally enjoined the students not to disappoint their parents, generation and society.

Hon. Nevkaa was represented by the National President of St. John's Old Students Association, Terver Adom, Senior Special Assistant to Benue State Governor on Special Duties, Office of the Speaker of Benue State House of Assembly.

Highlights of the occasion were honouring of old students, graduation of students, induction of the class of 2024 into the old students association, launching, speeches, prize-giving by both the school and old students among others.

Hon Animondo Emmanuel Doosha is the Media & Publicity Aide to PSA on Youth/Students Affairs.

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