Yongo-Tiev Community Development Association (YTCDA) Makurdi Branch Paid A Courtesy Visit On BN-RAAMP State Coordinator | News Proof



Yongo-Tiev Community Development Association (YTCDA) Makurdi Branch Paid A Courtesy Visit On BN-RAAMP State Coordinator

By George Gudu

The State Project Coordinator (SPC) Benue State Rural Access And Agricultural Marketing Project (BN-RAAMP) Mr. Stephen Sefa Numbeve, on thursday 25th July, 2024 played host to very distinguished sons and daughters of Mbayongo district, Vandeikya Local Government Area of Benue State on a courtesy visit. 

The delegation came under the umbrella of the popular organization known and called *"Yongo-Tiev Community Development Association, Makurdi Branch".
Which was led by the amiable chairman Aondoakura Igbian, and his entourage was graced by a few exco members, and other respected personalities to include:
Scientist James Ikyernum, Aayongo Kenneth (Secretary), Dr. Fiase (BSU),  Sir F. K Ode ( Ter Mbayongo),  Gbaden Atsupenda (PRO), John Ayua (Youth Leader and Fmr. Councilor in charge of works),  Mrs Bridget Adasu (Torkwase U Kase Mbayongo), Mrs. Mary Jape Amorgor (Secretary U Kase), Joseph Akuse Udoh (Chairman Yongo-Tiev Community Development Association, Gboko Road Branch), Terver Ukuur, and Iorember Zaki among others.
The Public Relations Officer (PRO) Gbaden Atsupenda, in his eloquent introduction presented before  their host the entire members on the entourage in a manner each would always wish to be introduced, carefully, and judiciously selecting the best of Tiv diction.

It was interesting to listen to the brief but loaded presentation of their mission unveiled by the chairman/leader of the delegation Mr. Aondoakura Igbian, whom according to him is not just a brother to the state coordinator... But, also a friend and school mate way back.

In his simple words the Chairman said:
 " We are here on a very simple mission which is to first thank God, appreciate His Excellency, Executive Governor of Benue State Rv.  Fr. Dr. Hycinth Iormem Alia, for his administrative prowess, for finding you among many to serve in this capacity, and to dress you with our traditional regalia as a symbol of love and support".
Scientist, James Ikyernum, added that:
 "The telescopic combined with physical eyes of the governor found you worthy, and we pray God grants you the Solomon kind of wisdom to serve using your eagle eyes as BN-RAAMP boss".

In a brief remark, an elder statesman cum Ter Mbayongo Sir F.K Ode, equally thanked God Almighty and the governor for appointing him BN-RAAMP State Coordinator. "That even as an elder he has never been that close to their host. However, his band has sounded loud enough that himself  heard, and it's one of the many reasons he has choose to come and meet him in person. He further, asked him to focus on God and continue to be humble and loyal to this administration as a support" .

The enlightened group in the spirit of gender equality and sensitivity, has Mrs. Bridget Adasu to speak. 
She eulogized the coordinator in an absolutely comprehensive presentation that was just nothing but a word of prayer and blessings as a mother simply saying: "May God bless Fr. Alia and you too always".

It's imperative to note that, the Yongo-Tiev delegation had a traditional display which was handled by Dr. Fiase and assisted by  Iorember Zaki.
They dressed and adorned their son with a Tiv traditional regalia called "Agee",  cap , spear called "iwange", and Tiv traditional food viz: the red kolanut called "Alieye", mashed groundnuts called "iyanta", and local garden eggs called "mgishiin".
They stated firmly that, although they are called "Mbayongo" which means "Trouble" in Tiv dialect, but the spear in his hand is not meant for him to cause trouble or fight. That kola nut will serve as a symbol of peace and protection against those coming with bad intentions here and taste it will have a change of mind, while the food is to always re-energize him whenever his tired to be stronger.

In a solidly informed response/remarks, the state coordinator BN-RAAMP Mr. Stephen Sefa Numbeve, said:
" I am highly honoured by you all even for finding time out of your various tight schedules just to identify with me as one of your own. I have seen many of my elders, mother's, brothers, and friends on this team which gives me joy. Above all it's the acknowledgement of God's grace upon my life. Moreso, the fact that all the speakers here acknowledge the hard work of my principal the governor Fr. Alia".

He also took time to review the core mandate of BN-RAAMP mostly as a world Bank project.
That the agency came into existence in the past eight (8) years, due to Administrative rascality and recklessness the previous administration (s) couldn't push the funds. But, through the instrumentality and usual support of the governor his the first person who has been able to push it. And very soon work will commence. Because, they have gone round to most rural areas and taken feasibility  studies on what needs to be done and where to first approach including Mbayongo.

He further, explained that: "The governor has deliberately chosen to support the projects upgrade from just the usual cotare to now include both original laterite and cotare. Stressing that eleven (11) roads have been ear marked at Kunav for construction to include Mbayongo. And hopefully even before the end of the first term some may be added".

While speaking to this attentive audience he consciously craved the indulgence of the people to call some of their youths to order and pray for this administration without season.
That there is an abnormal trend in Benue State that Alia seeks to change for the good of the people.
 The governor has insisted  that he MUST fulfill his promises to the people of Benue, and his altar call against the usual tradition of embezzling public funds and servicing of a few with public resources.
He added that: 

"The era where mediocrity was celebrated at the expense of excellence in Benue is over. That Alia, believes in qualification, character, competence, and integrity. He doesn't care whether you are from a known family or a politician as long as you have the needed capacity. The era where pensioners were not paid with civil servants and teachers but it was normal is gone. Hence, the political gang-up against him that is geared to improvising a masterminded insecurity by some self-seekers and cabal who are mobilizing some youths even in Mbayongo and beyond to insult and discredit Alia inspite of his good works".

He finally called on them to be steadfast and see that what matters to the governor is to truly move this state to an enviable heights comparable to a global standard.

The closing prayers were taken by a spirit filled elder statesman Sir F. K Ode before departure.

Photos: Timothy Bem

 George Gudu is the  Assistant Development Communication Specialist_ 

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