Investigate Ugochinyere’s Futile Attempt To Derail Progress Made by Kyari; Ohaneze | News Proof



Investigate Ugochinyere’s Futile Attempt To Derail Progress Made by Kyari; Ohaneze

By Ike Aaron

The Ohaneze think tank , a pressure group in the South East has asked the House of Representatives to launch a thorough investigation against the disbanded Ugochinyere led committee investigating the NNPCL , under Kyari, stating that the committee was a mere distraction.

A press statement issued on Friday and endorsed by Dr Azubuike Ajuluchukwu and Dr Cletus Akinyili, Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator of the Ohaneze think tank in Enugu said the efforts of the committee will not achieve it's desired results .

They described the 15:man committee as scandalous that must also be investigated forthwith.

They also accused the committee of premeditated stance to drag the hard earned reputation of the Mele Kyari led NNPCL to needless mud and altercations.

Ohaneze stated that the committee's activities was a sham and a shame to the profession the Ugochinyere  represented.


It’s heartening that after a public outcry, the House of Representatives finally dissolved the so-called committee that was supposed to investigate the frivolous allegations against the Group CEO of the NNPCL, Mele Kyari, by the so-called group of 15 members of the House."

"But the matter should not end there.

 That scandalous committee of 15 led by Representative Ikenga Ugochinyere must also be investigated as a deterrent."

"Ugochinyere has grossly abused his position as chairman of the Ad-hoc House Committee on Petroleum Products for reasons best known to him but which are hardly consistent with the public interest."

"Rather than facing the crucial task, the Ugochinyere-led committee jumped to a spiteful conclusion that Kyari and the Chief Executive Officer of NMDPR, Farouk Ahmed, should be sacrificed even before scratching the surface of a thorough investigation."

"It’s a shame that a man who claims to be a lawyer did not think about a fair hearing.

Hiding under the cloak of the Deputy Spokesman of the House, Rep. Philip Agbese, Ugochinyere ignited a media agenda against the NNPCL management, feeding his colleagues in the House, especially  the leadership and the general public with falsehood and a deliberate attempt to destroy Kyari’s reputation by criticising him unfairly and dishonestly to please those whose bidding he was willing to do at all cost "

"But for the swift intervention of about 120 members of the House under the aegis of “1 Agenda”, Ugochinyere and his cohorts were poised to impose their sinister agenda on the House and the Nigerian public. "

"The only way he and people like him can learn a lesson is for them to be investigated. What is their interest in the Dangote Refinery?

We align ourselves with the views of “1 Agenda” that the calls for Kyari’s removal are baseless, unfair and hypocritical."

 "He deserves commendation for his leadership and transformation of NNPC Ltd, increasing crude oil production from 800,000 bpd to 1.6 million bpd.

We have every reason to suspect that the calls for Kyari’s removal are targeted at the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the petroleum minister."

"We, therefore, call on the House not to stop at  dissol ution of the the adhoc committee set up to implement the scandalous agenda of Ugochinyere and his ilk but also to investigate Ugochinyere's interest in the Dangote Refinery further!"

"Ugochinyere and  members of his extortionist ad-hoc committee were heavily compromised during their  
visit to Dangote Refinery. They were desperate to justify and deliver  to justify  package."

"His shameful indiscretion was not an accident. It was a carefully orchestrated move to advance his interest! 

Ugochinyere as a reputatable extortionist and blackmailer is a cog in the wheel of progress in NNPCL.  Ugochinyere is perennially on the neck of virtually all the managements of the strategic business units (SBU) of NNPCL under his oversight engagements, blackmailing and extorting them to no end. The heads of the SBU live in constant fears of Ugochinyere, who daily threaten them for their refusal to yield to his sinister and self- serving demands. Ugochinyere is inordinately looking for money, especially dollars on a daily basis and whoever refuses to accede to his dubious requests  are tagged as  enemies and  he would threaten to  deploy  the  instrumentality of the committee he headed in the House to deal decisively  with the innocent public officers."

"Ugochinyere has  shamelessly  become  a monumental disgrace to the Ndigbo and a national tragedy.

He should immediately be stripped of his position as chairman of the House Committee on Petroleum (Midstream) and be called to account for his shameful conduct, which interestingly came to light only after he visited the Dangote Refinery!"



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