Russian Flags At Kano Protests: Sack Service Chiefs Now, Group | News Proof



Russian Flags At Kano Protests: Sack Service Chiefs Now, Group

A northern Group, Arewa intelligentia Caucus (AIC) has asked the government of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to relieve the service chiefs of their appointment over the hoisting of Russian flag in Kano and the lingering protests.

This was contained in a lengthy press release issued by the body on Monday in kaduna and signed by both the President and Publicly Secretary, Abubakar Ciroma and Nasir Adamu.

They said recent events had demonstrated the inefficiency and inefficacy of the current service chiefs to defend the integrity amd sovereignty of the country .

The body frowned at lack of proactiveness, foresight and the non application of intelligence thought the top notch of the armed forces in the country.

"It does not require a security and intelligence expert to understand the volatility of any form of mass gathering in Kano State. Some recent antecedents even attest to how civil dissent could escalate disproportionately to the actual subject of discontent."

"Two recent cases in point should suffice.
In November 2023, hundreds of youths took to the streets of Kano, protesting the appeal court judgment that sacked Governor Abba Yusuf as the state's governor. That protest took a violent turn as some of the protesters said they were ready to die as they demanded justice.
Also, in May this year, the repeal of the Kano Emirates Council Law by the Kano State House of Assembly, leading to the deposition of Aminu Ado Bayero and the reinstatement of Muhammadu Sanusi II as Emir of Kano, sparked violent protests."

"It was therefore unsurprising when, on the first day of the #EndBadGovernance protest, tacitly endorsed and supported by Governor Yusuf, events took a violent turn, leading to the destruction of billboards and streetlights, looting of shops and public facilities, and attacks on flashy vehicles."

"Despite a 24-hour curfew imposed by the governor, the second day of the protest was marred by more violence. "

 "When security operatives attempted to disperse some youths who defied the curfew to continue the #EndBadGovernance protest, it was met with fierce resistance.
But more worrying, in terms of the implication and significance of the protest, was the waving of the Russian flag by some protesters urging Russian President Vladimir Putin to intervene in Nigeria. "

"One has to be a fool to believe that those Russian flags were hurriedly and expressly delivered for use between the night of the first day of protest and the following morning."

 "And why Russia? Is it because Putin has finally chosen to actively subscribe to the playground of proxy wars among world powers which West Africa has recently turned into, with his affiliation to political disruptions in Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali?"

"Undermining democracy has been a strategic objective of Russia’s African policy for the past two decades. Authoritarian governments lacking domestic checks and balances provide permissive environment for enabling Russian influence on the African continent."

"Russian interest to undercurrent democracy in Africa occurs a range of methods with disinformation.  In the desperation by Moscow, 22 countries targeted for electoral interference and extra- constitutional claims to power."

 "Sadly, 13 of the 28 countries where Russia is actively endangering democracy are in conflict.  This according to researc hers,represents over 3 -forth of African countries in conflict."

"Worst still, Russian support to military government in Sudan for example helped to derail the democratic transition in the country,  thereby precipitating the ensuing conflict. It's on record that 11 out of the 15 African countries with the highest levels of forced population displacement have been targets of Russian intervention to undermine democracy.  
 African countries such as Algeria 
, Angola, Burkina Faso, Cameroon,CAR, Comoros, Congo, Cote d' Ivoire, DRC, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Tunisia, Uganda and Zimbabwe, all have different tales of woes of political interference by Russia."

"How could irate youths protesting against hunger and hardship pull together resources to procure the flag of another country notoriously noted to have dessimated the political fortunes of many African countries. "

 "The answer is simple:

 They didn’t; they just did as instigated by some unpatriotic forces in high places. 
Some questions are pertinent: Where was the governor who prides himself as the “Chief Security Officer of the state?”
 Are we to believe that he suddenly lost his gumption and disappeared from the public view?"

"And how, on earth, did such a brazen and unpatriotic act by protesters waving Russian flags take the security services by surprise? It’s an indictment that some tailors somewhere in Kano made dozens of Russian flags and flooded different protest venues across the city with the flags without being questioned and, obviously, without any prior intelligence! ."

"How were the flags distributed unnoticed on a day when the security services were supposed to be on maximum alert? 
The Service Chiefs must answer these questions! "

"While we condemn, in strong terms, the treasonable action of protesters in Kano waving the Russian flag, we observe with dismay that the same flag was also spotted in some suburbs of Abuja, the nation’s capital. "

"We also strongly hold that the action is a serious indictment on the security chiefs. 
We, therefore, call on the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, President Bola Tinubu, to be ready to wield the big stick and declare a state of emergency in any state or region if the political leaders of the affected area(s) are not acting decisively."

"As the Chairman of ECOWAS, President Tinubu owes the West African sub-region the responsibility to ensure that the sub-region does not allow external forces to further derail democracy. 
Already, systematic efforts by Russia to undermine democracy in Africa have subdued democratic development in many African countries."
"The president should immediately nip Russia’s threat in the bud and punish its home-based enablers."

"To this end, We humbly demand immediate  sack of  the indolent Service Chiefs by the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the the Republic Federal of Nigeria, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu. "

"We also submit that those behind the treasonable action in Kano and Abuja be fished out for prosecution. "

"Thirdly, we demand that state of emergency be imposed on the state's where the treasonable action took place during the ongoing Endbad governance protests."

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