Behold The New Lamidon Katsina: Hon. Abdullahi Tsauri | News Proof



Behold The New Lamidon Katsina: Hon. Abdullahi Tsauri

By Ibrahim Kaula Mohammed
In the golden heart of Katsina State, a new star has risen. The air is equally thick with joy and merriment, illuminating the path of progress and exemplifying the true spirit of leadership. Ladies and gentlemen, shall we gaze at the newly turbaned Lamidon Katsina, Rt. Hon. Abdullahi Jabiru Tsauri, FCAI—a man whose life story points to the power of perseverance, education, and dedication to public service?

From the quaint town of Tsauri, a young boy emerged, his eyes bright with curiosity and his heart full of dreams. This is where our story begins, in the promising corridors of Tsauri Primary School, where young Abdullahi Jabiru first put pen to paper. Unknowingly, he’s setting forth on a journey that would lead him to the brightest echelons of Katsina leadership. From these modest beginnings, Jabiru's thirst for knowledge propelled him through the four walls of Katsina Teachers College, to the prestigious lecture rooms of Bayero University Kano, and finally to the hallowed grounds of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.

With each step and each degree earned, Jabiru was not just accumulating accolades but building a foundation of wisdom and insight that's serving his home country now. This is a man who understands that true knowledge is forged in the crucible experience. His career is woven with threads of diverse experiences—moulding young minds as a teacher at Government Secondary School, Malumfashi. 

He steered the ship of local governance as the Chairman of Kurfi Local Government. Notably, each role added a new dimension to his understanding of the challenges faced by his people. Thus, preparing him for the monumental responsibility of serving as Chief of Staff to the Katsina State Governor. In all of these positions, Tsauri has become a model of governance, a master of the delicate art of policy formulation and the intricate dance of legislative affairs.

Yet, the story of Jabiru Tsauri is not limited to the corridors of power. It spills over into the bustling streets of Katsina's business district, where his entrepreneurial spirit has given birth to a roundup of ventures. From the warm welcome of his hospitality establishments to the steady hum of his construction sites, from the life-giving waters brought forth by his drilling operations to the transformative potential of his petrochemical endeavors, Tsauri has proven that leadership is not just about governance but about creating opportunities, about lifting others as you rise.

At this point, imagine a man standing at the crossroads of tradition and modernity, his feet firmly planted in the rich soil of Katsina, but his gaze reaches far beyond the horizon. This is Jabiru Tsauri, a global citizen whose passport bears the stamps of nations as diverse as Saudi Arabia and the United States, France, Germany, Cyprus, Egypt, and Turkey. With each journey, he has gathered fascinating memories, insights, ideas, and innovations that he now brings back to enrich our beloved Katsina.

And now, we come to the crowning glory of this remarkable journey—the title of Lamidon Katsina. But what, you might ask, is the significance of this honour? This is a title that is not merely a string of letters before a name but a mantle of trust placed upon the shoulders of one deemed worthy by none other than the Emir of Katsina himself. The Lamidon Katsina is more than a title; it is a sacred responsibility, a call to serve as a bridge between the people and their traditions, a guardian of cultural heritage, and a beacon of progress in a rapidly changing society.
The turbaning ceremony, presided over by His Royal Highness, Alhaji (Dr.) Abdulmumini Kabir Usman, the Emir of Katsina, was not just a personal triumph for Tsauri but a moment of profound significance for all of Katsina. The air filled with the sonorous chants of praise singers, the rhythmic beat of traditional drums, and the colourful swirl of flowing robes as dignitaries from far and wide gathered to witness this historic moment.

This ceremony was more than pomp and circumstance. It was a clarion call for unity, a moment when the Emir, in his wisdom, used the occasion to address the fractures within the community. His words rang out, clear and powerful, urging the people to come together, to support the needy, to purify their society. And who better to help lead this charge than the new Lamidon Katsina, a man whose life has been dedicated to the service of others?

Going forward, I see in Rt. Hon. Jabiru Abdullahi Tsauri, FCAI, not just a title holder but a torchbearer. His journey from the classrooms of Tsauri to one of the highest echelons of state government, from local entrepreneur to global thinker, has equipped him with a unique set of tools to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. In him, I see the promise of a leadership that is both rooted in tradition and open to innovation—a leadership that understands the pulse of the people and the demands of a rapidly changing world.

To the people of Katsina, this is our moment. As we behold our new Lamidon Katsina, let us not merely celebrate but commit ourselves to the vision of unity and progress that he represents. Let us rally behind him, offering our support, our ideas, and our energy to the cause of making Katsina a shining example of what is possible when tradition and progress walk hand in hand.

My distinguished, I congratulate you on this new addition to your flowers. May your reign as Lamidon Katsina be long and fruitful. May you continue to inspire, to lead, and to serve. May your wisdom guide us, your courage inspire us, and your vision unite us. As you take up this sacred mantle, know that you carry with you the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of an entire people. Congratulations, Sir.

Ibrahim Kaula Mohammed writes. He's the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Katsina State.

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