Media Consultant Commends Federal Lawmaker, Paul Gowon Haruna Over Provision Of Solar Lights To Anyigba Community Graveyard | News Proof

Media Consultant Commends Federal Lawmaker, Paul Gowon Haruna Over Provision Of Solar Lights To Anyigba Community Graveyard

By Abubakar Yusuf

Member representing Dekina Bassa in the House of Representatives, Rt Honourable Paul Gowon Haruna has been commended for providing solar lights to the Anyigba Moslem community graveyard, saying it will stop the activities of miscreants.

A media consultant,  Abubakar Yusuf while encouraging the laudable initiatives , tasked the community and the Federal Lawmaker to ensure it is properly erected and put to use .

He observed that few of the solar street lights provided by the federal lawmaker were not properly mounted , there by creating an enabling environment for vandals to feast on it.

"When you observed the solar street lights, only few was properly mounted, and when it is not well mounted , it will exposed it to the solar thieves and aluminum vendors who will be readily available to vandalize them ."

While also appealing to Anyigba Moslem community to take full charge by ensuring the proper mounting of the lights , he expressed regrets that the aim of providing the facility will be defeated when not properly maintained.

"With the cost of solar panels and the poles , it will be counterproductive to allow it exposed to thieves at the end of the day."

While appealing to well to do in the community to key into the massive renovation and rehabilitation of the grave yard, he asked for more supports in the provision of  more lights and a borehole to the grave yard.

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