The Theoretical Wale Edun | News Proof



The Theoretical Wale Edun

By Abubakar Yusuf 

Since his assumption of duty as Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister for the Economy over one year ago , Wale Edun , nothing works, except theoretical approaches to the economy and national development, no practical improvement to the economy of the country.

With allegations of bringing cronies to the current cabinet by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to rejig the Renewed Hope Agenda, I think it is better to consider Wale Edun as one of the Ministers to be relieved and removed from the Ministry of Finance in the impending cabinet reshuffle either for age barrier or outdated policy frameworks.

It will be politically expedient for the  President to shop for a younger and digitally experienced hand compared to the outdated and analogue Wale Edun as to continue to man the sensitive Ministry of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy.

Worst of all , if the President still needs him around, let him be reassigned to Budget and Planning, so as to continue to design and redesign endless policy and needless framework that had no immediate positive multiplier effects on Nigerians.

In the last one year, Wale Edun has triggered the foreign exchange crises with no solution in sight , but on a daily basis he kept designing and redesigning policies according to his old and archaic books, reflecting the decision of the Apex Bank, Central Bank of Nigeria CBN.

From the Ministry of Finance and Coordinating Economy to CBN, Edun had embarked on vendetta, unwanted decisions, self centeredness and aggrandizement to the further detriment and  decapitation, as well as dilapidation of the once envied Nigeria economy.

Practically, no single monentary and economic policies of the present administration powered by Wale Edun had seen the light of the day , except he gathered his theorist to brainstorm as usual and  un gather them to no effect on the lives of Nigerians and the economy.

His assumption of duty has disorganized the once cherished programs and activities of the Ministry of Finance and by extension the economy as every single decision must have his input, without recourse to technocrats and other administrative requirements.

Ask Wale Edun, over a dozen programs had been introduced since his assumption of duty more than one year ago , but had not gone beyond theoretical approaches, living the practical demands to fortuitous circumstances.

What we see in Wale Edun is rushing to present or coordinate a session and make speeches , no concerted efforts on what is been done to address the battered economy worsened by his leadership in the last one year.

To cut the long story short , Nigerians are not unaware of his age long relationship with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu that had transmuted into the alliance of coordinating the economy, but Nigerians desire more in the next two and half years from the President in terms of policy framework, implementation.

Yusuf Writes from Abuja on [email protected].

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